mercoledì 9 aprile 2014

Glenn Hauser logs April 8-9, 2014

** BRAZIL. 4815, April 9 at 0051, R. Difusora Londrina, Brazuguese sermon, fair vs CODAR, but certainly the BBOB tonight --- best Brazilian on band, only one listenable, vs several weaker carriers (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BRAZIL. 5999.6, April 9 at 0114, terribly excited announcers, surely futebol from R. Nacional, Brasília, and making big het against RHC English 6000. Can`t // it to 6180, since that RNA frequency is off! But certainly // 11780. This is no 4 kW, as originally publicized. Could they have moved the 250 kW transmitter from 6180 to 6000? That would be insane, vs Cuba, while 6180 was owned by RNA (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BRAZIL. 9630.0, April 9 at 0040, Brazuguese talk, very bassy with rumble, but don`t think it`s CCI, and not off-frequency unlike much clearer // 11856.5 promptly with R. Aparecida ID in passing. It`s also still colliding with Bolivia on almost the same frequency 6134.8v (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 17720, April 8 at 1932, still no signal from RHC despite own schedule online claiming it`s here in Spanish to Europe starting at 1930; maybe really old info? At same time, 11840 is on again in French, new frequency to Europe.

11670, April 8 at 2126, RHC Spanish is on here now, blotting All India Radio General Overseas Service, which used to be the best frequency for us in North America. Possibly only a SAH from the AIR signal. Also noted with complaints by DXLD listeners further east in North America where AIR signal would be better. RHC also on earlier than before on // 11760, and audible on undermodulated 11840, 9710.

RHC has this unfortunate habit of: once a frequency is in use for one daypart, they add it in another one, when the QRM/collision situation is completely different, a sign of clueless frequency management. 11670 had been in use only at 0000-0500 UT in B-13, not a problem for India which finishes with it at 2230. 11760 had been in a break between 2030 and 2400 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GREECE [non]. 7450, 7475, 9420, 11645, 15630 and 15650 all provide NO signals from Helleniki Radiophonia, April 9 at 0120 check; 9420 has Qur`an from Iran poorly (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KUWAIT. 15540, April 8 at 1933, R. Kuwait is fair with pop music, even on the DX-375 with built-in whip I keep in the car for quick chex while mobile (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NORTH AMERICA. 6851-RCUSB, April 9 at 0037, pirate music, poor with storm noise in the distance; 0103 better with Beatles` ``All You Need is Love``. Following tip on The Crystal Ship mailing list from John Poet that a relay was expected starting around 2345 or 0000. (Since an encounter with the FCC, TCS relies only on others to transmit his programs.) Still on at my final check 0121. Reduced carrier helps a lot in tuning in accurately during instrumental music. Other logs of this:

** NORTH AMERICA. 6150.6-AM, music and announcements, 0054 UT April 9, 0058 jingle? Pulsing QRM, OTHR? Past 0100+; presumed pirate, Channel Z, which was reported around here April 2 by Chris Lobdell, at the same hour, within the 49mb. Just too weak to copy any details; same time as TCS relay was active on 6851-RCUSB. Numerous other logs of Channel Z tonight at:,16484.0.html
link which some log editors will surely delete. I`m on the lookout for list-logs of this as Radio Bayrak, TRNC --- tho latest lists omit it, not in WRTH any more, nor Aoki (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. 7160-AM, April 8 at 2130, not much to be heard on 40 or 41 meters this early, but here`s somebody in AM, good with fades, commenting about medical care, mentions going to Oklahoma City; soon ID as W5JO, and closing contact with K5SEE(?). W5JO is James P Wilhite, in the southern OK town of Sulphur (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PERU. 5980, April 9 at 0055, R. Chaski carrier, very poor but enough to provide some modulation, until cutoff at 0107:47* which is 6 seconds later than yesterday (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SERBIA [non]. 9685, April 9 at 0039 check, zero signal as always from IRS, despite A-14 dated schedule on own website
still claiming ``Radio Yugoslavia`` is on the air to North America, including English at 0030-0100 Tue-Sat. That was really deleted about a year ago, IIRC. Whom do they think they are kidding? Hey, maybe they are still collecting government money to pay for this non-broadcast? Shhh (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SOUTH CAROLINA [non]. 17730, April 8 at 1932, WHRI is still here with BS, pending QSY sometime to 21600 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also USA: WRMI

** TURKEY. 9770 = 9870, April 9 at 0122, VOT is back on both Spanish frequencies tonight, while 9770 was missing 24 hours earlier. Now they are about equal level, only poor-fair, and little if any India QRMing 9870 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 9690, April 8 at 1932 check, now WRMI is back on here with BS, after having apparently run Him on 7455 by mistake earlier in the day as in my previous report, heard as early as 1349 and as late as 1620.

9495, UT Tue April 9 at 0043, WRMI-14 is playing PCJ Radio on a secret repeat, Keith Perron interviewing Dan Robinson, ex-VOA who says he chose to take a buyout rather than keep working there under unpleasant conditions, wrapping up at 0055. Part 2 to continue in a later edition. Fair-poor with deep fades and some jambleed from 9490 unless tightened (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 7506.6, April 9 at 0120 check, still no WRNO (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)