sabato 1 febbraio 2014

Glenn Hauser logs January 30-31, 2014

** AMSTERDAM ISLAND [and non]. 14160-USB, Jan 30 at 2220 I`m looking around for FT5ZM DX-pedition. 14185 is the nominal 20-m frequency, but I am hearing pileups on 14165, mainly 14170-14175; one guy interjects ``he`s listening up``. 14160 finally uncovers FT5ZM, and despite his also frequently saying ``listening up 5-15``, keeps getting calls back on same 14160. I could have logged numerous embarrassing callsigns of these clueless amateurs. Calling on 14160 provokes more hams to interrupt on same frequency to tell the others to get off, even swearing at each other back and forth at 2237; these don`t bother to ID.

I keep on 14160 until 2253, and *never* hear FT5ZM give his own call! Tho it could have been rarely during CCI. Typical `QSO` consists of the lucky contactee`s call and ``5-9``, and that`s it, on to the next one. Notch up the tally and the DXCC counts! Nothing else matters.

For this they spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to get to Amsterdam?? Despite four sesquidecades as a DXer, I`m beginning to think these guys are all nuts. Fortunately, I am satisfied to *hear* a distant spot, feeling no need to make a two-way contact, which really proves nothing more (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BRAZIL. 11783+, Jan 31 at 0604 check, RNB/RNA is still off-frequency; wonder for how much longer? Much weaker signal than usual, but has enough punch to be audible when nothing else is on 25 or 31m (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA [and non]. Unfortunately awake at 1200 Jan 31, as RHC is signing on, 6000 is VG, while 9550 and 9850 are still weakish, so I stand by after IS and NA to copy the opening frequency announcement at 1203. It`s axually correct, at least nominally! In usual Soviet-style disorder:

12-16 on 17580, 17730, 15230, 11760, 11860, 12010, 9540
12-14 on 9550, 9850, 6000
14-16 on 15340, 13780, 11750

However, 15340 is missing again today Jan 31 after 1400 at 1433, uncovering S Asian music from HCJB Reach Beyond Australia (RHC is audible on 15230)(Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** IRAN. 6155, Jan 31 at 0129, fair signal, heavy flutter, including Russian words, but otherwise something else; 0130 three chimes, VIRI news theme and presumed news: per HFCC it`s the Kazakh service, at 0120-0220, 500 kW, 16 degrees from Sirjan. So much for R. Fides, Bolivia, if even active on 6155 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PERU. 5980, Jan 31 at 0057, JBA carrier from R. Chaski, until cutoff at 0105:04.5* which is 17 seconds later than last check 3 days ago (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SOUTH CAROLINA [non]. Just heard from Larry Will of Area 51, Jan 31:

``Hello Glenn, Allan tells me that Brother Stair will be reverting back to his pre-January schedule on WBCQ as of February 1. Presumably this means that BS programming will be limited to the following:
Sun-Thu 0100-0400  7490
Sat     1400-1800 15420
I am hearing BS on 15420 as I write this at 1724 on Friday 1/31 with a good but fluttery signal.

I've decided to keep the Area 51 schedule as-is for now, which means WORLD OF RADIO will stay Monday at 0400 on 5110. Allan and Tom Barna will coordinate the weekday schedule on 5110 which will probably run 0000 to 0200 or so. This will probably include the Christian Media Network news show and repeats of various WBCQ programming such as Marion's Attic. I expect Allan's show will also be simulcast on 5110 as usual. Regards, Lw`` (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) For more BS, see USA: WRMI report below

** TUNISIA. 7275, Jan 31 at 0558, no signal from IWT. Ivo Ivanov reports both their remaining SW hours have been missing all year, i.e. at 05 on 7275, 07 on 7335. They`ve vanished in the past for weeks at a time, then come back, so as yet unknown whether this time they`re gone for good. TUN RTT ONT still bothers to register both for HFCC A-14, along with several others which are long-abandoned and obviously wooden (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1706, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1706 monitoring: confirmed Thursday Jan 30 at 2200:55 on WTWW-1, 9475. Also confirmed UT Friday Jan 31 at 0428:20 on WWRB-1, 3195, after a brief respectful pause following the previous preacher who was interrupted. Within a few seconds of WOR finishing at 0457, transmitter off without any ID. Next:

Saturday 0730 & 1530 on Hamburger Lokalradio, 7265-CUSB
UT Sunday 0030 on WRMI-14, 9495
UT Sunday 0030v on WTWW-2, 5085
UT Sunday 0501 on WTWW-1, 5830
UT Monday 0400v on Area 51 via WBCQ-3, 5110v-CUSB
Tuesday 1200 on WRMI-10, 9955
Wednesday 0730 & 1530 on Hamburger Lokalradio, 7265-CUSB
Wednesday 1400 on WRMI-11, 9955

** U S A. 9495, Jan 31 at 0055, no signal from WRMI-14, presumed off the air, since I can still hear higher signals with BS on 11565, even 13695 weakly; while 9955 bears jamming only. 7570 BS is still blasting in at 0055, but ---

7570 missing at 0602, so another WRMI transmitter is down, #11. Still on 7520 WHRI, unusually weaker than long-delayed // 7490 WBCQ, at this moment BS is rererereplaying his claim to be on 29 SW transmitters: not quite. At this time 9 MHz is dead, so no telling what is really attempting to emanate there.

Strangely enough, the K-index is only 0, but WWV reported at 0600:
``Geophysical Alert Message
Solar-terrestrial indices for 30 January follow.
Solar flux 161 and estimated planetary A-index 5.
The estimated planetary K-index at 0600 UTC on 31 January was 0.
Space weather for the past 24 hours has been moderate.
Radio blackouts reaching the R2 level occurred.
Space weather for the next 24 hours is predicted to be minor.
Radio blackouts reaching the R1 level are likely.``

Then I check for other US SW signals at 0610 Jan 31: The MUF for single-hops is way, way down, yet further Eurosigs remain audible: WWCR and WTWW are JBA on 5935, 5890, 5830, 5085, even 4840! Usually the 60m channels are still holding up when the 50m channels are attenuated. Now only the 90m ones are still at good strength, 3215 and 3185. By 1200 UT, however, the 5`s are back up to good level too.

9955, Friday Jan 31 at 1506, surprised to hear WRMI with R. Praga in Spanish, instead of BS which has normally been starting at 1500 on this frequency. Maybe that`s what`s on the stream, mistake, or filler? But WRMI still has BS on 9690. Recheck 1712, 9955 is still something in English other than BS as on 9930 WTWW and 9980 WWCR, while BS remains on 9690 WRMI (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 12105, Fri Jan 31 at 1508 check, WTWW-3 is off, while 9930 & 9475 are on (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1160, Jan 31 at 1422 UT, after lots of W&M chatter in Spanish, ad for car dealer in 816 area code, so it`s KCTO Cleveland MO (Kansas City market). I was also checking 1140 but not started early enough today to sort out the KC and AR SS stations as heard yesterday (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. Trans-Atlantic MW carrier search, July 31 at 0122 UT; 1521 Saudi het is stronger than usual against 1520 KOKC, so I step down by 9-kHz to find only JBA ones on: 1512, 1503, 1422, 1332, 1205, 1044, 945, 747 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report despatched at 1751 UT January 31