sabato 8 febbraio 2014

Glenn Hauser logs February 6-7, 2014

** CANADA [and non?]. 11232-USB, Feb 7 at 0005, ``King 70`` is repeatedly calling Trenton Military. I read her fine but Trenton only replies several times that ``last station calling, you are off-frequency``. Well, she`s not, as far as I can tell; however, there is a continuous light carrier on same, not enough to turn off the BFO. After a few tries, she apparently gives up.

There are just a few previous logs of King 70 in the UDXF yg archive, and it seems she gets around. One of them was with Trenton here on 2 May 2006: ``0204Z 11232.0 KING 70 (HC-130) p/p via TRENTON MILITARY to KING OPS with ops normal report -- Mark, Monitoring Milcom from Charleston, SC``

Al Stern had King 70 on a USAF MARS frequency, and also on a Cape Cañaveral frequency, so is she American? First, the most recent log:

``13927 kHz USB 1655z: USAF MARS Operator "AFA1RT" (So New Hampshire) wkg "King 70" (HC-130P #65-0970, Patrick AFB 920RQW) for radio check only. (11/Nov/2013)(Al Stern, Satellite Beach FL)``

``10780 kHz USB 2110z: Cape Radio wkg "King 70" (C-130, Patrick AFB) for radio check; then encrypted comms. (06Feb2010) (ALS) AL STERN Satellite Beach FL`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. 9400-9450, Feb 7 at 1417, awful FMy distorted spurblob with CNR1 modulation matching part of what`s heard as jammer on 9450-AM, and probably emanating from that transmitter (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 11840, Feb 7 at 0108, RHC Spanish is just barely modulated, as often the case on this one.

15230, Feb 7 at 1426, RHC Spanish is just barely modulated, while 15340 is on, loud and clear (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OMAN. 15140, Feb 7 at 2058, RSO has good S9+15 signal, but just barely modulated with Arabic music, 2100 talk (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PERU. 5980, Feb 7 at 0103, no signal detectable from R. Chaski, so may have already reset autotimer for cutoff. Will have to start tracking it earlier from 0059 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SAO TOME E PRINCIPE [non]. 14249-USB, 14251-USB, Feb 7 at 0115 pileups must mean there is hot DX nearby, but unlikely Amsterdam Island in this range. Incredibly, one of the callers axuallly mentions the DX station in addition to his own: S9TF. Tuning above and below 10 kHz, I just can`t find it. But lookup at leads to their own website: informal DXpedition by some Italians to Príncipe thru Feb 12:

** U S A [and non]. 9475, Feb 6 at 2158, WTWW-1 is off, and so is World of Radio which would have aired three minutes later. Occasional chex during the semihour and the sesquihour to follow still find no signal, such as at 2345. I think it was on 5830 sometime after 0000 Feb 7, but gone at 0104, and also at 0709.

After 1400 it`s scheduled back on 9475, but at 1416 absent, audiblizing Radio Australia. Did not check further during the day until tune in at *2213 just in time to hear it cut on, but off at 2216*, back on at *2217-, so continuing problems; however, stays on now past 2330. While this was going on, WTWW-2 was generally still going with BS on 9930 day, 5085 night. WTWW-3, which is sporadic anyway, missing at 1424 Feb 7. See also WORLD OF RADIO (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1707 monitoring: WTWW-1 off the air from 9475, Thu Feb 6 at 2200, so missed that opportunity. However, Mark Sills, Dallas, phoned to say he still heard it via a telephone service carrying SFAW from a Houston AC: 832-999-1792. Make a note of that.

WOR 1707 confirmed on WWRB, 3195, UT Friday Feb 7 starting at 0430:14, following dead air after the previous preacher stopped at 0427:38.

Saturday 0730 & 1530 on Hamburger Lokalradio 7265-CUSB
UT Sunday 0029v on WTWW-2 5085
UT Sunday 0030 on WRMI-14 9495
UT Sunday 0501 on WTWW-1 5830
UT Monday 0400v on Area 51 via WBCQ 5110v-CUSB
Tuesday 1200 on WRMI-10 9955
Wednesday 0730 & 1530 on Hamburger Lokalradio 7265-CUSB
Wednesday 1400 on WRMI-11 9955
Full schedule including AM & FM stations, webcasts

** U S A. 9340-9400, Feb 7 at 0009, WWRB`s Brother Scare service is again accompanied by frying sound buzz up to plus/minus 30 kHz (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 5110v-CUSB, UT Friday Feb 7 at 0158, WBCQ IS and ID loop is playing so must be just about to sign on; 0200 opening an `Allan Weiner Worldwide` playback with ``William Tell Overture`` theme and his usual sermon. New full schedule unknown, since
has not been updated since the departure of Brother Scare.

Presumably a new, live `AWWW` will still air at 0100 UT Saturday on 5110, 7490 and 9330, but none of them in synch (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 9495, UT Fri Feb 7 at 0010, WRMI is VG with `Frecuencia al Día`, Dino Bloise`s highly produced DX program with numerous individual contributors; 0029 Spanish ID by Rudy Espinal; 0030 `Historias de Radio`, another media show produced by Daniel Camporini in Argentina. This one-hour transmission gives us more but unscheduled chances to hear various RMI programs, while the main frequency, 9955 is buried by jamming against `Radio Libertad` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 12050, Feb 6 at 2055 check, WEWN Spanish is missing again, but still blasting on 13830; recheck Feb 7 at 0002, 12050 is on now, altho supposed to have switched to 5810 at 0000. Around 2100 Feb 7, 12050 is gone again (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report dispatched at 2333 UT February 7