martedì 3 dicembre 2013

Glenn Hauser logs December 2-3, 2013

** ARGENTINA. 11711-, Dec 3 at 0058, RAE with IS once, going from Portuguese to Japanese, usual het from something on 11710. Bryan Clark reported it was missing on UT Sat Nov 30, nor was R. Nacional heard on 15345 over the weekend, but back in business now (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA [and non]. 6060, Dec 3 at 0101, RHC Spanish modulation is distorted here, and worse on 5040, better but still distorted on 11840 at 0115, best on 6070.

11680, Dec 3 at 0114, RHC Spanish is VG here! Slopperators at RadioCuba must have forgotten that the B13 frequency is 11670 instead of 11680 in A13. I know I had heard 11670 recently, unlogged.

6000, Dec 3 at 0650, RHC English is missing, but 6060 is still on and it`s loud & clear like the 6000 signal had been, instead of aimed off toward ENAm and Europe. Mixup or change? They`re in a hurry to turn off and go to bed, as 6165 was on at 0650 but off early too at 0655 check. Anyhow, lack of 6000 audiblizes both BBC on 6005 and the open carrier from MALI on 5995.

5025, R. Rebelde, normally 24 hours, is also off again at 0651.

17730, Dec 3 at 1445, RHC Spanish is on again here; first heard Dec 1 but missing Dec 2; what next? This time, no CCI, while 17580 still has it from IBB Biblis alternating Pashto/Dari at 1330-1530 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** EQUATORIAL GUINEA [and non]. 17790, Dec 2 at 1910, R. Africa via WRMI with `Hour of Decision`, the BGEA show, which is a bit classier than Tony Alamo, whom I`ve yet to catch on this transmitter.

15190, Dec 2 at 2012, now WRMI`s R. Africa has descended to here from 17790, and once again atop CCI, increased SAH at Okeefades, i.e. Bata transmitter is still going for self-collision.

15190, Dec 2 at 2100 check, now R. Africa/WRMI is in French! With sermon about Jesus; normally it`s only in English. Still SAH and CCI from EqG (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) MORE under USA: WRMI

** GREECE [and non]. 9420, Dec 2 at 1915, VOG is on with pop music. Erratically it`s been missing, leading to fears it would be gone for good, but so far it keeps coming back.

9420, Dec 3 at 0059, Greek music, heavy flutter, atop CCCCI. Previous absence maybe due to lack of overnight staffing (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KOREA SOUTH [non]. 9955, Dec 3 at 1358, another check of WRMI, still on SSE antenna, finds not Slovakia as heard yesterday, but KBS World Radio! Concluding English hour with plug for a survey to pick your favorite host in 2013. KBSWR has been inaudible in North America for months since they insist on keeping unpropagable 15575 on the schedule direct from Korea at 13-14, and we had urged Jeff to try to get them on WRMI. This must bump off R. Prague and R. Slovakia, however, at least during this timing. Schedule grid still hasn`t been updated to show KBS yet. Now, how about R. Japan, and R. Taiwan??

Until 1400, 9955 is still on the 160-degree beam; surely KBS could and should be on the 315 for us? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) More under U S A: WRMI

** KURDISTAN [non]. 11510, Dec 3 at 1415, V. of Kurdistan during mostly-music hour, great stuff with ululations, and fairly sufficient signal today, only marred by IADs, two or three per minute. Site is allegedly Grigoriopol/Kishinev, Pridnestrovye/Moldova before 1600 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PERU [and non]. 5980, Dec 3 at 0057, VOA Tibetan via SRI LANKA is poor with flutter, off by 0059 leaving R. Chaski carrier which cuts off at 0103:55.5*, i.e. 6 seconds later than yesterday (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SOUTH CAROLINA [non]. 15440, Dec 2 at 2013 check, WRMI with Brother Scare, good signal but undermodulated, a blessing. This one is scheduled 20-22 on the 44-degree antenna toward Europe.

9690, Dec 3 at 0058, Brother Scare via WRMI is poor, mixed with something in Chinese; HFCC shows CRI via Spain does not start until 0200. Must be CNR1 jamming against IBB Uighur via UAE which starts at 0100. WRMI is sked 22-02 at 222 degrees for CIRAFs 10-12.

11565, Dec 3 at 0112, also BS via WRMI, fair but fading as the MUF is dropping.

11730, Dec 3 at 0114, BS via WRMI is good, better than // 11565; azimuths being 285 and 140 respectively. Still haven`t checked yet another duplicate, 13695, which is 151 at 00-02.

9955, Dec 3 at 1514, is found to be playing fill music loop instead of BS; heard the same selexions a few times, including fado, Greek, and polka, until 1559 Zanotti canned ID, 1600 now into Overcomer // but not synch with 9930, 9980. How come not during previous hour? Lots of good programming could be inserted there, as it`s now on the NW antenna with good signal across N America; in fact, I could hear it easily on the ATS-909 next to my noisy computer, which was never possible from Hialeah. Still no webcast, but not so much needed now (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [and non]. 15580, Dec 2 I happen to tune across just before 2100, to hear VOA Greenville go off, and Botswana come on; there were only a few seconds pause in modulation, no overlap, smooth transition, but from here a drastic drop in signal strength as English to Africa continued (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [non]. 5890, Dec 3 at 1406, VOA Korean with good signal; normal B-13 channel, but I don`t recall hearing it before this B. Did it just start? Scheduled at 12-15 via TINIAN. Checked // 9800 TINANG and found 5890 is seven seconds behind it (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1697 monitoring: confirmed on 9955, WRMI, Tuesday Dec 3 amid at 1215; good signal with some pulse jamming, weaker than BS on 9690. Move to Okeechobee has greatly improved audibility of one of the last two WOR times left on WRMI. Maybe we should try to move it to 1200 on Friday or Saturday when it will be fresher. Tune at 0430 UT Thursday which should be first airing of 1698 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 9955, Dec 3 at 0058 check, wall-of-noise Cuban jamming is still blocking WRMI during prime-time; but next check at 0112, jamming has been reduced to lite pulsing, allowing us to hear some gospel-huxter, tnx a lot, Arnie. 00-01 UT Tue-Sat is the Radio Libertad hour, which Must Be Jammed; BTW, the current WRMI program schedule grid has nothing entered in the 22-24 M-F bihour on 9955; something new pending?

See KOREA SOUTH [non]; SOUTH CAROLINA [non]; EQUATORIAL GUINEA [non]; USA: WORLD OF RADIO for much more concerning WRMI!

After surprise KBS relay on 9955 until 1358 Dec 3 on the 160-degree antenna from transmitter 3, `WRMI Scoreboard`, the sports capsule which is blessedly short, brief overlap as transmitter 11 cuts on 315 degree antenna with much stronger signal; ID starts in Spanish, ends in English, VG signal for `Gospel of the Kingdom`; 1428 fill music, Pan American plug;

9955, 1430 Dec 3, `Viva Miami`, new edition I haven`t heard before, interview with Jeff Bernald of Pan American Broadcasting, who was visiting Okeechobee; from future-tense references to upcoming R. Africa broadcasts via WRMI, obviously recorded some time ago. Said the company was started by his grandfather Gene in 1936, then his father who is semi-retired playing golf, and Jeff is in charge for the past five years. HQ in Pleasanton CA (not Cupertino any more). The Radio Africa network started in 1984; has been partnering with WRMI since 1994. Says has four new QSL cards which you can get if you send four reception reports to Jeff B. also implied they would expand using more than one WRMI transmitter.

He had also been seeing the sights in S Florida, including gators, giant spiders, cows and wild pigs on the square-mile WRMI site. Jeff White says luckily it`s the dry season now, as in the rainy season it`s quite swampy requiring hip-boots. 200 head of cattle have no problem sharing a pond with 4-5 foot gators.

The issue of Tony Alamo was not raised, and Jeff Bernald sounds like a quite sane and reasonable fellow, unlike his clients. (I`ve yet to catch Alamo on the WRMI relay.) 1445 into next show, `Moments in Bible Prophecy` from Key West. 17790 meanwhile is still on the air instead of 21525 for the R. Africa service itself. The 15-16 UT hour on 9955 is fill music instead of BS: see SOUTH CAROLINA [non].

The WRMI transmitter array keeps changing; as of Dec 3 the B13 Graphic Schedule shows #3, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13 and 14 in use. Jeff has said the only one not in working order is #6 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 610, Dec 3 at 0658 UT, I null KCSP Kansas City to hear some soul music, 0659 ID as ``WAGG, Birmingham, news when you want it`` and CBS news. I haven`t heard this one before, normally ceding the channel to KC. WAGG is 5/1 kW U2, a butterfly nite pattern with null toward the NW but peak to the west, so we`re somewhere between those. FCC AM Query shows they also have a CP for non-direxional not only day but also at night by reducing power to 610 watts; could be in effect now (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 9699.5-USB, Dec 3 at 0111, INTRUDERS, 2-way in Spanish; stronger one cites various numbers (cargo info?), and has engine noise behind him (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 15480, Dec 2 at 2014 just as I tune in hear the BaBcoCk IS loop, then off at 2014.4*, leaving poor signal in Arabic, i.e. AWR via MADAGASCAR. HFCC shows AWR is the only thing scheduled here at 1900-2100, so what`s with BBC? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report dispatched at 1732 UT December 3