giovedì 12 dicembre 2013

Glenn Hauser logs December 10-12, 2013

** CANADA [and non]. 650, Dec 11 at 0659 UT I am investigating what`s here with WSM nulled from the east: right away, CKOM ID from Saskatoon, news from Canadian Press. So despite alleged direxional pattern northward, it surpasses KGAB Wyoming, not unusual either despite its alleged night pattern northwestward. Just before, there was some Spanish making a faster SAH with WSM, characteristic of XETNT Los Mochis, but now it`s faded down; 0701 back up with Mexican NA in progress, fitting for midnight in the UT -7 zone. 0702 CBS News Update is gaining, from WSM itself; geez, remember when WSM and WSM-TV were nothing but NBC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 5025, Dec 11 at 0703, R. Rebelde has just come on the air, with undermodulated music, then turning it up, once RHC is finished with 5040 on this now shared NVIS antenna. Evidently Rebelde can use it until 2200 when RHC resumes on 5040. Also 5025 Rebelde audible at 1252 Dec 12, `Haciendo Radio` morning show.

6165, Dec 12 at 0102, RHC English is still dead air here, while it`s underway but undermodulated on 6000.

Some RHC frequencies are missing Dec 12 at 1408, and apparently off rather than not propagating, as other stations are in normally: 17730, 17580 (just IBB Germany), 15230, 13780. But RHC is hearable on 15340, 11860, 11760 with CCI, 11690, 9540. At 1411 a carrier on 11750 becomes just barely RHC-modulated (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** EQUATORIAL GUINEA [and non]. 15190, Dec 10 at 2043, R. Africa Network via WRMI is mainly heard, but trace of the other RAN via Bata underneath, for the tenth day in a row; by 2101 the lite SAH between them is evident; 2102.6 RAN on WRMI ID, somewhat undermodulated. (Seems late IDs are often the case here, much better than no IDs from Bata.)

15190, Dec 11 at 2114, eleventh day in a row of RAN colliding with itself, making CCI and SAH; 2210 now the two signals are about equal making a really heavy SAH, one with Jesus song, other talking (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1699, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GREECE. 7450, Dec 11 at 0645, pop music, fair signal, undermodulated, presumed V. of Greece. Not now and not lately heard on 9420 which was normally best when propagating.

7450, Dec 12 at 0059, fair signal with undermodulated music, 0100 yelling in Greek and another song. Recheck 0633, still on 7450, fair signal with undermodulated music, no 9420 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1699, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDIA [non]. 7545, Dec 12 at 0057, poor signal with calm talk in unknown language, intonation vaguely resembling Brazilian. HFCC has the answer? 0030-0130, TWR, multi-lingual, 250 kW, 116 degrees from ``Simferopol, Ukraine``, which is total BS left over from the Soviet era when this ``site`` was registered instead of something really back in Russia, and wouldn`t be caught dead relaying religion.

Aoki still shows as UKRaine, but doesn`t hazard a guess as to what city, but anyhow it`s TWR India, currently in Bhojpuri, but Sundays in Hindi, Saturdays in Nepali. Many other TWR India broadcasts are overtly via UZBEKISTAN, so why not this one? Let`s get a third opinion from EiBi: site is /XUU, which means Unknown! What`s so secret here? A fourth opinion from WRTH 2013, when in B-12 this transmission was on 11965, via: Irkutsk, Russia. What`s in WRTH 2014? Just published but my copy hasn`t arrived yet (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KOREA NORTH [and non]. 6100, Dec 12 at 1310, two very poor signals making a SAH, one in Korean, i.e. KCBS Pyongyang which just starts at 1300, per Aoki; and the other presumably CRI Mongolian service via Urumqi, East Turkistan, also from 1300; blotting out poor 500-watt R. Rossii, Kyzyl, Tannu Tuva if it`s on the air at all (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KOREA NORTH [non]. 9775, Dec 12 at 1344, good signal with love songs in English! Usually there is only a protracted open carrier prior to 1400 Radio Free Chosen via secret site. First a duet, and some segués with no pauses so not from a single album track; 1355 ``I`m stayin` for the long run``; 1358 Janis Ian`s heartbreaking tune ``At 17`` covered by someone else. Celine Dion has also done it.

Janis` live performance from 1976y:

1400 with no transmission or modulation break, 9775 segué into usual Radio Free Chosun`s triumphal-music and opening in Korean. What a strange prélude for that! Surely more entertaining than dead air.

Today`s signal is even better than 9800 VOA Korean via Philippines, with only lite fading. I continue to disbelieve the listed and conflicting sites for this, Tajikistan or Uzbekistan, which would not put in such a loud and clear signal transpolar from here, altho other loggers continue to accept one site or another. To me, it appears to be from SE Asia area, like Philippines (RVA Palauig) or maybe Taiwan, whence aiming at Korea also carries on USward with no transpolar attenuation.

Am I ``upset`` about this as Mark Coady suggests? Not at all, but it`s an intriguing mystery to be investigated, lacking any admission from the source (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KOREA SOUTH. 6348, Dec 12 at 1307, Korean talk, very poor, from Echo of Hope, Hwaseong; no jamming audible but likely there is some noise from Kujang as per Aoki (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KOREA SOUTH [non]. 9955, Dec 11 at 1337, WRMI is still relaying KBS World Radio instead of Slovakia during this semihour, good with pop music, and 1339 ID, so now I can hear the Wednesday feature `Sounds of K`rea`. Theme this week is music for exorcising demons and warding off evil spirits, inspired by wacky superstitions. 1357 quiz with three questions; *1357.7-1358.0* another carrier on and off, the other WRMI transmitter getting all set. Continued under USA: WRMI.

9955, Dec 12 at 1340, still KBS World Radio, Thursday ending Korean folk-tale segment of `Seoul Calling`, into program about ``political fever`` in Korea North (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. 730, Dec 11 at 0704 UT, Chihuahua state song, 0705 Ke Buena full ID starting with XEHB-FM, Grupo RadioRama, Hidalgo del Parral (really XHEHB is the FM 107.1 call per Cantú) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also CANADA [and non] 650

** NEW ZEALAND. 9625-9630-9635, Dec 12 at 1315, DRM noise on fairly good signal, maybe would be decodable, where none is normally heard, nor scheduled to be --- just VOR on 9620-9625-9630, 15 kW, 220 degrees from Kalliningrad/Bolshakovo at 08-14.

Instead, I bet it`s RNZI operating off-schedule again, as 9630 is its next DRM frequency not supposed to start until 1551 per HFCC B-13. Or not! Checking the never-dated but frequently-updated sked on RNZI`s own site,
11900 is now shown as DRM from 1551, following the no-DRM break starting at 1158; so the DRM transmitter is available to broadcast somewhere. 11900-DRM is also in EiBi but not until 1651! While Aoki shows it starting at 1535! What are we to believe??

DRM centered on 9630 is still on at 1402 check, now rudely QRMing RTI 9625-AM in Vietnamese (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PERU [non]. 5980, Dec 12 at 0053, presumed Tibetan, very poor signal from VOA Sri Lanka; recheck at 0103.5 expecting remnant of R. Chaski before its expected cutoff approaching 0105, but nothing there (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** RUSSIA [and non]. 12055, Dec 12 at 1322, poor signal in Russian, so Golos Rossii still exists here as scheduled 12-16, 250 kW, 117 degrees from a Moskva site. Heavy QRM not only from WEWN on 12050 in Spanish, but worse from the squealing parasitic spur always accompanying it around 12054 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SOUTH CAROLINA [non]. 7520, Dec 11 at 2259, Brother Scare heard for a few seconds before transmitter cuts off the air. Which station is this? It had been very strong. The current WWCR schedule has 7520 only at 0000-0300; altho during the Week of Confusion is started at 2300; WWCR still confused? The Dec program schedule for WWCR-4 shows BS on 9980 until 2400 weekdays, then something else on 7520. Maybe they put this BS back on 9980 for another hour, having realized the mistake (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TURKEY. 17755, Dec 12 at 1324-1325* Turkish music poor-fair, maybe partly the new VOT IS at the end of the German hour, which serves us much better in North America than the following hour in English on 12035, exactly the same 500 kW, 310 degree beam from Emirler, and probably very same transmitter; both intended for Europe, but over day path, why does Germany get 16m and UK way down to 25m? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1699: not completed in time for first airing on WRMI at 0430 UT Thursday Dec 12 --- but not audible anyway; the winter night MUF is just too low; confirmed on webcast replay of 1698.

So first airing of 1699 will be Thursday 2201 on WTWW-1, 9475. Then:
UT Fri 0427v on WWRB 3195 (maybe also 5050-USB, but not lately on)
UT Sat 0300v on Area 51 via WBCQ 5110v-CUSB
Sat 0730 & 1530 on HLR 7265-CUSB (last week came on late with damage)
UT Sun 0028v on WTWW-2, 5085
UT Sun 0501v on WTWW-1, 5830
Tue 1200 on WRMI, 9955
Wed 0730 & 1530 on HLR 7265-CUSB

** U S A. 9955, Dec 11 at 1358:45, cut from KBS [see SOUTH KOREA [non]] to `WRMI Scoreboard`, 1359:10 switch from SSE to NW antenna and also switching transmitters as smoothly as possible during the scores, with signal jump; 1359:45 canned ID by a voice I don`t recognize;

Wed at 1400, `Wavescan` this week starting with history of broadcasting in Albania on its 75th anniversary; BBC Seychelles relay to close; 1316 Pilipinas DX report by Henry, recorded Nov 20 for Dec 8+ broadcast, which was 8 days after the typhoon; he`s OK and thanks people for their concerns, then his routine logs with SIO ratings; 1422 more logs from some downunderite delayed from last week.

9955, Dec 11 at 2211, check of WRMI finds Brother Scare audio cutting on and off and on, not // to neighbors 9930 WTWW and 9980 WWCR, probably further out of synch than usual, but I`m not taking time to compute the relative delays. Anyhow, the formerly blank 22-23 hour on the WRMI program schedule is now labeled Overcomer Ministry, extension of all-day at 15-22 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)