domenica 10 novembre 2013

Glenn Hauser logs November 9-10, 2013

** ANGUILLA. 11775, Nov 9 at 2215, DGS is still on past usual 2200 close, VG signal, way above 11780 Brasil. No DST shift, just normal sloppiness before switch to 6090 night channel (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BRAZIL [and non]. 10000, Nov 10 at 0144, YL voice with ``Observatório Nacional, 23 horas, 44 minutos, 40 segundos``, etc., and pips every dekasecond, mixing with equally weak WWV and WWVH. During the 0145 minute has to combat the unreadable WWVH propagation report. And vs NIST tone after 0146. Obviously giving local DST of UT-2 now rather than UT (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA [and non]. 17720, Nov 9 at 2104, what`s become of RHC`s frequency to Europe? Not checked before 2100 when it was trilingual for a sesquihour, but yesterday it stayed on past 2104 with dead air, traces of French. No propagation problem now, as the hybrid numbers/digital transmitter is VG, blasting in on 17480 with carrier, then YL numbers and bursts, in fact the SSOB, virtually the OSOB.

Surely 17720 will be back on after 2200 at new 22-24 UT timing? NO, it isn`t. Hunting around for a replacement, none found on 17 or lower bands, 15 or 13 MHz. Only regular frequencies: at 2217 in Spanish, 11840, an echo apart from 9810 & 9710. 11880 in English.

6060, 6100, 9810, 11760, 11840, Nov 10 at 0054, RHC Spanish music fill hour is playing the song in English ``Tie a Yellow Ribbon``, which they probably view as critical of Yanqui imperialist foreign policy. 6100 modulation is distorted; and 6060 has heavy CCI, as also on it at this time are: Iran, Sichuan, Brasil, Argentina: could not match it to 15345v (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CYPRUS. 9297-9323, Nov 10 at 0105, low-pitched OTH radar pulsing, presumed from here in typical 25+ kHz bandwidth. Exactly same sound also heard at 0142 on 9918-9943, when the lower one has gone (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** FRANCE. 7390, Nov 10 at 0630, RFI French has a fast rippling SAH from another stronger signal, open carrier? Albania doesn`t start 7390 until 0800. More likely a second transmitter at Issoudun: such TDF self-collision mixups have happened before (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GREECE. 9420, Nov 10 at 0626, good signal from Avlis, despite all the disruptions, riot police raiding HQ building, etc., still doing the EPT Sunday-morning thing of Byzantine chant; also with recitations by female voices (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDIA [and non]. 4840, Nov 10 at 0046, JBA carrier, presumably AIR Mumbai, 50 kW ND, which starts at 2355 per Aoki --- now possible because WWCR is not opening here until 0100 instead of 0000 during DST (even tho propagationally it would make more sense to open it *earlier* in the winter rather than later). Next check at 0136, WWCR is on, presumably from about 0100. No Latin American broadcasters nor anything else are known in the world on 4840 but AIR and WWCR (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDIA [and non]. 11740, Nov 10 at 0100, 5+1 timesignal, last pitch higher, and off. I was tuning in for AIR Sinhala service via GOA as in A-13, so is it still here or not, lacking a B-13 schedule from them? Per Aoki and HFCC, the 11740 transmitter closing at 0100 is CNR at Lingshi 725 site.

This does uncover a much weaker signal which could be AIR. What about 11985 Delhi/Khampur which was supposedly // 11740? Better signal there with S Asian music, which could really be the Sinhala service for once. Aoki now claims to have B-13 info for AIR which does show both of them, same as in A-13. But I think such Aoki labels are often assumptions, projexions (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KOREA NORTH [non]. 9775, Nov 10 at 1333, big open carrier for R. Free Chosun at 1400 is already on way early again; still very good signal during show at 1450, equivalent to 9800 VOA Korean Tinang. No way, I say again, that this is from listed Tajikistan site (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SPAIN. 21630, Nov 10 at 1401, REE is still here despite collision with ASCENSION, BBC Hausa. After `Amigos de la Onda Corta`, which I was listening to on better 17595, at 1355 they announced there would be a frequency change from 21630 to 21640 at 13-17 for listeners in Central America, so they are doing something about this clash, but not yet today. Recheck 1446 Nov 10, still on 21630 as well as 21610. This also resolves the collision with WHRI after 1500 weekends on 21630, which I still heard yesterday. NOW: how about getting off 21540 vs Kuwait? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1694 monitoring: confirmed at new time and frequency from WTWW-2, UT Sunday Nov 10 at 0030 on 5085, ex-Sat 2330 on 9930. Maybe repeats UT Monday like last week. Also confirmed on WTWW-1 at new time UT Sunday Nov 10 at 0501, still on 5830.

Following at 0100+ Nov 10 on 5085 was Amateur Radio Newsline, including a report from NZ at 0106 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 5830, Nov 10 at 1256, WTWW-1 is in open carrier/dead air; still/again OC/DA after switch to 9475 at 1408; SFAW had resumed by 1447 check (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 11870, Nov 9 at 2217, seems WEWN Spanish is already on here with squeal and R. Vaticano relay, including its own RV IDs in passing. In A-13, 11870 did not switch from 13830 until 0000 UT.

Would you believe that WEWN *still* hasn`t posted a B-13 schedule at own website, still A-13 dates?

Also linx to ``shortwave update`` popup, undated but probably elderly:

``In keeping with Mother Angelica's vision of spreading the Good News to the corners of the world, EWTN Radio reconfigured its shortwave radio service to better accomplish this goal. In addition to Europe and Africa, EWTN Radio is now reaching into India, the Middle East and Southeast Asia - plus increased coverage (in Spanish) to Cuba, South America, Mexico and the Caribbean, praise God! EWTN Shortwave radio broadcasts (WEWN) are not available to most people in North America.``

Then goes on to explain about affiliates, satellite, and online access. Guess what: EWTN Radio *is* available to ``most people in North America``: all they need to do is turn on a SW radio!

HFCC as of Nov 8 and FCC B-13 registrations show 11870 WEWN at 0000-1000 UT only! Wait a minute: Romania in Spanish to S America is on 11870 at 22-23, and that should put in a signal like this here. I assumed the R. Vaticano IDs would be from WEWN which does relay RV at 2200-2230 but that`s M-F only and this is Saturday. OTOH, the ``WEWN squeal`` is on this 11870 signal, and no CCI from another station; unlikely RRI would be talking about Radio Vaticano, let alone relaying it. This needs rechecking and also whether 13830, 12050 are still on and // (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [and non]. 580, Sunday Nov 10 at 1305-1308 UT, after CBS news and WIBW Topeka ID, President`s weekly address, about honoring veterans. Traces of XEMU Spanish in background. Followed by ad, not Republican rebuttal, tho WIBW surely runs that at some other time. Finding Presidential address is tough as it`s so short, presumably originally airing about 24 hours earlier on Saturdays, up to every station`s scheduling whims. Maybe different networks re-availablize it at different times (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** VATICAN [and non]. 3975, Sunday Nov 10 at 0636, no signal from VR when Latin mass is scheduled daily, and heard previously; yet DRM noise from BBC Woofferton 3950-3955-3960 is quite audible and propagating. VR is heard on 6075 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** WAKE ISLAND. 18140-USB, Nov 10 at 0124, very poor signal from somestation making very quick contacts with 5-9 signal reports, mostly US stations. I listen until 0130 and *never* hear this station`s call nor a mention of Wake, just the calls of stations contacted, and 5-9s.

18140 is a nominal frequency for the current K9W DXpedition until Nov 15. I`ve been checking all their frequencies from 80 to 10 meters, at various times, (3790, 5403.5, 7082, 14185, 21285, 24955, 28485), hearing no sign of them until now, and often other QSOs in progress.

There ought to be a rule: no single ham contact is complete, verifiable and eligible for any contest or DXCC, without at the very least, both stations speaking the call of the station contacted AND THEIR OWN CALL, preceded by ``this is`` or ``from``, at least once! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. TA carrier search Nov 10 at 0109: only one I can detect, JBA, is 693 kHz (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)