lunedì 4 novembre 2013

Glenn Hauser logs November 4, 2013

** CHINA. Firedrake, all-instrumental traditional-music jamming, November 4:
6185, poor at 1153 vs algo; now I`m wondering if I was really on 6180 where RTI resides, rather than 6185 with China Huayi, not entitled to be jammed, but certainly would be as collateral damage if necessary

6145, very poor after 1400, still there for another day against RTI, and after R. Australia is finished with 6150 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 6205, Nov 4 at 0612, RHC DXers Unlimited audibly opening on leapfrog of 6125 over 6165 another 40 kHz higher. Show is not limited to intentional frequencies, as reflected in my DX/SWL/MEDIA programs.

As expected with standard time, RHC keeps signing on at 7 am local, which is now 1200 UT instead of 1100: 11690, 11760, 11860, 9850, Nov 4 at 1159, IS, NA truncated and sign-on announcement with frequencies. It hasn`t been updated for new schedule, and in fact has not been updated since 17730 and 6150 were dropped months ago!! I will not re-quote it to avoid further confusion, but cites three groups of frequencies, for 11-15, 11-13, and 13-15. Now really on the air from 12 to 16 in the mornings.

RHC website ``Interesting – Frequencies`` pages in English and Spanish at least are still blank on Nov 4 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KOREA NORTH. 6360, Nov 4 at 1152, Juche jamming sound of roar with slightly varying pulse pitch, but against nothing. Aoki says the jammer runs 0350-2400, altho MND Radio, clandestine from the South, was using 6360 only at 0400-0455.

The 1100 frequency was 6270, where I didn`t notice it, but maybe too late in the hour and didn`t remember which frequency it was supposed to be on until uplooked later. Anyhow, Sei-ichi Hasegawa in Japan says as of Nov 3 he is not hearing MND at all any more, since November 1; canceled? Chris Kadlec, South Korea, has some interesting background on MND Radio, for him a local station, in DXLD 13-44 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PHILIPPINES. 9430, Nov 4 at 1143, long passage from Psalms in English, such that you would think it`s an English broadcast --- until switches to Chinese for presumed translation, i.e. FEBC at 09-16, which yesterday was out of whack, extremely distorted FM at 1409, but today it`s back in whack (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SOMALILAND. 7120, Nov 4 can barely hear R. Hargeisa cutting its AM carrier at 1400:56* (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SPAIN [and non]. 21540, Nov 4 at 1456, REE IS under Arabic KUWAIT which is still back on original frequency despite Spain; while REE is in song programming on 21610 & 21630. Then 21540 open carrier for a while mixing with Kuwait, and apparently off (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SUDAN [non]. 15535, Nov 4 at 1457, S9+20 open carrier with hi-pitched tone; 1459:10 Arabic sign-on of Radio Tamazuj. Site on this service designated only PNW in HFCC is SMG VATICAN, 250 kW, 150 degrees, so nicely off the back for us, to be followed by Radio Dabanga at 1530-1630.

BTW, these stations may gain some listeners, as the Sudan Radio Service ran out of funding and closed down Oct 31, as found on their website by Alan Roe:

``The Sudan Radio Service's last broadcast goes out today at 7:30 PM. The current Sudan Radio Service started out as the Darfur News and Information Service (DNIS). Its first broadcast was in January 2009. Over the years, the demand for fair and balanced programming in Sudan grew and in September 2012, under funding from the U.S Department of State's Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor, the service expanded to other regions of Sudan. Its name changed to Sudan Radio Service.

However, avenues for securing further funding for sustaining the service have diminished. As a result, the Sudan Radio Service will cease operating from October 31, 2013.

"We express our gratitude to our funders and our listeners for giving us the energy to offer the kind of programming at the Sudan Radio Service. It has been a great run," says Deputy Chief of Party Brian Adeba.``

So disregard what had been scheduled for B-13 on 17745 from Woofferton at 1600-1730 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 11175-USB, Nov 4 at 1503, two long strings of fonetik letters and a few numbers, encrypted ``EAM`` messages from USAF are mixing together. Are these for real, or only training exercises? One by OM voice, the other by YL, and it almost seems like they are deliberately alternating, each one mostly speaking between pauses of the other! But with some overlap. Also the YL`s transmitter produces a surge of background noise in each of her pauses, QRMing the OM who is a bit stronger. Each has several different messages, specifying the number of characters. I try to match them up by noting some sequences of a few letters/numbers on each, but cannot.

At 1508, YL finishes one of 148 characters; ``more to follow``. 1510 the OM pauses and resumes; 1511 YL starts another; 1512 OM ends one of only 40 characters, ID sounded like ``MacDill, out``, the big base in FL remote-controlling wars in Asia. This leaves the YL in the clear from 1513; she finishes 40 characters at 1514, makes several IDs sounding like ``This is Policeman`` (or Fleeceman?), ``standing by for traffic`` but there isn`t any, so ``out``. This allows a much weaker third station to be audible continuing, and then a fourth at 1515.

Here`s an 8:25 recording I made starting about 1507:

Searching the UDXF yg on 11175 and Policeman finds that call was also reported at 0409 UT August 6, 2007 (but not since??), by Jeff Haverlah in coastal Texas. Tom Sevart in Frontenac KS said he also heard Policeman on UHF, but no further details; that would have to be close to him unless a satellite relay.

Hugh Stegman wrote: ``All three stations had the same heavy circuit noise, sort of a combination of hum and white noise, which would come on as soon as the transmitter was keyed. The noise went up and down between message characters, in standard compressor fashion`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 5085 BS & 5830 SFAW, two WTWW frequencies Nov 4 are still on the air at 1405, but 5830 cuts off abruptly at 1405:45* just as PPP is starting a sermon. Within a minute they come up on 9930 and 9479 respectively (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 920, Nov 4 at 0620 UT, soft-spoken Spanish preacher looping NNW/SSE; of the SD, TX and LA stations along this path, the SS one is KYST Texas City (Houston) TX, listed talk format with 5/1 kW. Day and nite patterns also favor us NNW/SSE so strange I haven`t heard this before (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report dispatched at 1729 UT November 4