domenica 4 agosto 2013

Glenn Hauser logs August 3-4, 2013

** AUSTRIA [and non]. 11955, August 4 at 0516, AWR Hausa via Moosbrunn in the clear, no tone jamming, maybe because my router is unplugged for a storm? But also no tone jamming from Sudan on 11650 vs Dabanga (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. Firedrake, August 4 before 1400:
13795, barely audible at 1355 mixing with Chinese, not // CNR1

Rest are CNR1 jammers:
13830, poor at 1354
13970, very good at 1354 with flutter; none in the 12s
14750, poor at 1356; none in the 15s
16100, JBA at 1358
16360, very poor at 1358; none in the 17s or 18s

** CUBA. 11760, Sunday August 4 at 1403, RHC open carrier/deadair, with Chinese audible under, i.e. CNR1 vs Sound of Hope. Other RHC frequencies are modulating: 11690, 11750, 11860, 13780; 15230, 15340, 17580; missing from 17730 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ESTONIA. 14280-USB, Aug 4 at 0538, Vello, ES5QD is making numerous US contacts in apparent contest of some sort; good signal but some flutter. lookup shows:
Vello Priimann
P.O. Box: 3739
Tallinn 10508
Baltic contest? See LITHUANIA (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GERMANY [non]. 15275, August 4 at 0545, DW English via RWANDA is missing again, leaving a big hole in the middle of the 19m band; what`s the problem? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GREECE. 9420, August 4 at 0548, ERT with pop music, rather than Byzantine chant, which the occupiers had previously managed to maintain on Sunday mornings (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDIA. 11620, August 4 at 0053, fair signal in Asian language, must be AIR Urdu service scheduled from 0015, 240 degrees via Bengaluru per Aoki, 334 from Delhi per HFCC, which makes more sense.

9870, August 4 at 1241-1254+ enjoying Indian pop music from AIR Vividh Bharati Service, occasional Hindi announcements; instead of Cuba Campesina on 9850. Best to hear VBS now before China collides at 1300 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** IRAN. 9730, August 4 at 0056, poor-fair signal with Qur`an. HFCC shows it`s one of the special Ramadan services from IRIB, 0030-0130, 500 kW, 310 degrees from Sirjan in Turkish, effective 9 July to 8 August only (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** LITHUANIA. 14258-USB, August 4 at 0540, John, LY5A is making contest contacts with US stations including one in Louisiana where he needs to know from which parish: De Soto. lookup shows:
Jonas Paskauskas
P.O.BOX 71
See also ESTONIA; a Baltic contest? (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. 710, Aug 4 at 0558 UT, still trying to confirm the source of the off-frequency station producing a LAH to other 710s: slightly on the low side, the Chihuahua anthem is playing. It finishes at 0600 and the het goes off. The only Chih is XEDP Ciudad Cuauhtémoc. Yet I hear it other times with no het, such as 1140 UT August 4 with 20:6 timecheck, jingle as ``La Ranchera de Cuauhtémoc``. So I remain uncertain (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. No Es DX to VHF noted earlier Saturday, but turned on UT Sunday Aug 4 at 0216 with antenna still parked toward SSW, to find an ad or infomercial displaying a phone number for MTY, of 8048 4627. No bug visible. Peaked briefly to good level but soon faded out. Maps show all the 6m Es at the moment is in the NE quadrant of the USA. Another brief fade-in at 0234, nothing more. Can`t assume it`s XEFB in Monterrey since ch 34 in Monterrey is relayed on ch 2 in Saltillo (and even ch 2 in Tampico takes some programming from Monterrey, altho only in mornings, I think.)

August 4 at 1436 UT turn on and tune in ch 2 to find Es in progress, Spanish audio, antenna still SSW; generally frustrating opening with lots of QRM, nothing dominating for long.

1443 on 2, animation from Azteca net 7 bug LR

1500 on 2, CCI includes soccer from something; 1515 soccer looks like an edited playback; maybe net-7 bug UR

1519 on 2, fade-in English audio about global warming vs coral reefs; quickly rotate toward north, but lose signal, and 6m maps show no activity up there. May well be a Mexican with docu in English, subtitled as have caught previously. Back to south

1545 on 4, ads/infomercial involving luxuriant headhair on YLs

1550 on 2, heavy CCI

1555 on 3, MONEY TALKS on screen, apparently title for Spongebob which follows from Televisa net-5 as bug in LR

1556 on 2, Azeca-7 promo; CCI continues following hour on 2, 3, occasionally 4, as I am too busy compiling rest of this report

1700 on 5, MUF up to here making zero-beats with my cable leak, still so at 1726

1714 on 3, Chicago Fire promo on Canal 5, start toon with credits in English; probably XEZ.

1729 on 2, and 4, soccer, now seems live.

1730 on 2, another station inviting photos to a g-mail address

1731 on 3, lizard animation, net-5 bug LR.

1739, mostly 2, some 3 still in. To be continued? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NETHERLANDS [non]. 9925, August 4 at 0056, VG signal from The Mighty KBC with rock music, via Nauen, GERMANY, in weekly 00-02 UT Sunday broadcast to N America (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NORTH AMERICA. 6925-SSB, August 4 at 0550, pirate with unID music, 0554 ID as ``You`re listening to Good Old Ed Radio`` (sounded like), long pauses before and after, then ``One Night in Bangkok`` novelty tune. No, I will concede correct ID as this one at,12019.0.html ---

``Turtle Head Radio 6925USB *0545-0613* 4Aug13 Recorder Catch on 6925USB THR heard here with a show of music from 1985 (Dire Straits, Don Henley). Very solid signal here. Thanks THR! Joe Farley, SDR-IQ/R8, Remote Resonant Loop/ALA 1530, near Chicago in a little dot on The Weather Channel Local Forecast Map`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA [and non]. 1020, August 4 before and after 1200 UT, KOKP Perry is off the air, ceding frequency to Mexican music, no doubt KMMQ in Nebraska (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OMAN. 9760, August 4 at 0002, Arabic from RSO back on scheduled frequency, also at 0056; modulation is somewhat muffled (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PERU. 5980, August 4 at 0100-0100:26.5*, R. Chaski cutoff check still using the main FRG-7 rig to avoid the porch mosquitoes. That`s 5 seconds later than yesyterday (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SOUTH CAROLINA [non]. 15620, August 3 at 2240, American gospel huxter, weaker than 15630 Greece but stronger than 15610 WEWN. Soon found also on // 15390 at about equal level. Soon also found // WWRB 9370 but 4 seconds ahead of it, ergo The Overcomer Ministry but a non-Brother Scare preaching at the moment. Per Ivo Ivanov, these are new relays via Nauen, GERMANY at 21-23, 125 kW each to North and South America, respectively. Who needs yet another frequency to North America, with all the frequencies he already has from within North America? Both are already off at 2259 check, and Greece has switched from 15630 to 15650 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TURKEY. 9770, August 4 at 0056, ME music, presumably Turkish, again heard here next to 9760 Oman, altho TRT is not supposed to start 9760 until 0100 for Spanish; would expect IS only at this prélude time; Ramadan extension? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 7345-SSB, August 4 at 1313, Navy MARS net with NNN0TWA talking about getting out his weed-eater; must be informal segment. Hardly need BFO with weak broadcaster serving, i.e. Thazin Radio Myanmar, or much more likely, CNR1.
Jim, in Tennessee is pixured on page 1 of this:

** U S A [and non]. 7490, August 3 at 2251 WBCQ is missing, tho there is a weak signal on 7495 = Algeria via France; WBCQ also missing from 9330, despite bigsigs from other US stations on 9930, 9479, 9370, 9350, even 9265. Is there a thunderstorm over Monticello again? Not per NWS radar.

7490 & 9330 still AWOL August 4 at 0002 check, and at 0054; but at 0057, 7490 has come on with the WBCQ IS & ID loop seldom caught on this frequency, but normally at 1355-1400 Saturdays on 15420. 5110-CUSB is also now on with Radio TimTron, maybe came on much earlier? It was inaudible at the 0002 check.

At 0101 I find that 7490 is now starting VSI Radio International, the purchased time from the pirate in Sweden. Says he is halfway thru his (summer?) season, and is considering whether to keep going all year; depends on how popular this Saturday night timeslot is. This week will play more music than monolog, and also mailbag. Tho requested to do so, says he is not going to talk about the Israel/Palestine issue here. So Allan Weiner was not doing his pirate-history show of vintage recordings before it this week, and maybe not after it either, unchecked. I never saw it on the WBCQ 7490 program guide, and now I see that VSI is the *only* show listed for Saturday/UT Sunday, i.e. at 01-02.

9330-CUSB is still/again off/inaudible August 4 at 1306 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 5050, Saturday August 3 at 2255, I notice that WWRB is already on the air with preacher, not // 9370 TOM. Usually starts at 0000, I think, or even later, depending I suppose on day of week and time sold (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 9930, Saturday August 3 at 2327, WTWW-2 is missing, so no WORLD OF RADIO to be heard in a few minutes; 5085 also missing after 0000. 9479 and 12105 are still on. Could be due to maintenance requirements: George McClintock often advises about repairs completed, which must require downtime; he has a stock of spare parts for just about everything. 9930 is back on the air after 1200 with the new Brother Scare transmission, but off again at 1405, altho supposedly scheduled until 1500 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1680 monitoring: unfortunately missed one of our best weekly chances, as WTWW-2 was off the air from 9930 Saturday August 3 at 2330, nor on 5085 after 0000. Better luck 24 hours later? Did make it on usual WTWW-1 time of UT Sunday 0400.5 on 5830 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1110, August 4 at 1210 UT, Qur`an audible with KFAB nulled, poor and fading; presumably KVTT Mineral Wells TX. We are certainly multi-cultural, but it still seems a bit odd to be hearing such on MW instead of SW (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1270, August 4 at 1221 UT, Univisión Radio, signal peaking clearly audiblizing IBOC noise above and below, bothering 1260 and 1280 stations, i.e. KFLC Fort Worth TX; 1223 ID only as ``Univisión América, 12-70 AM``, romantic music (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1300, August 4 at 1231, ``Sportstalk AM 1300, The Zone, live from Austin``, then `Sunday Sportsman` show about bass fishing; KVET Austin TX (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1370, August 4 at 1220 UT, ad from someone in the Austin area with an 800 number, so must be KJCE officially in Rollingwood TX, address in Austin (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1480, Sunday August 4 at 1214 UT, outro of Frank & Ernest show with 1-800-254-DAWN. This is not a comic strip, but some preachers, apparently a JW offshoot; sketchy info about it here:

1215 ID for KBXD, Dallas, and into Elder Jacob O. Meyer`s `Sacred Name Broadcast` from the Assemblies of Yahweh on I-78 in Bethel PA. Sound familiar? He also mentions his SW station, which is the long-silent WMLK. Meyer is also long-silent, having died in 2010y, but sounds quite lively here (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1510, August 4 at 1158 UT, ad endorsement from someone with ``Sports Radio 810``. That fits for KCTE Independence MO, as it`s axually at the same studio address in Overland Park as WHB, so a sub-station of it; no LAH, so is KCTE now on-frequency? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 850, August 4 at 1144 UT, rock music in English is audible with KOA nulled (hardly necessary weak, SAH), fades completely out at 1145, surges 1148, YL partial ID as ``Radio Alegre``, fades out again. Looped approx. NE/SW. Could be US or Mexican? No such slogan found on 850 in any of the lists or general Googling (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 13910-SSB, August 4 at 0520, some kind of American military tactical net, voice contacts involving fonetik calls 6FW, 1BX, and at 0532, 6ML and 6PH; in between playing with various digital modes of traffic-sending for about a minute each. 1BX acted like the boss of this group. At 0522, 1BX said ``let me contact Desert Eagle``; one mode mentioned was MT63(?); one time agreed to ``sending at slower speed``.

Ron in Maryland had reported to UDXF yg last Feb Desert Eagle on 13910.5, instead of Army MARS. Of the 50,871 posts so far in the UDXF yg, I get no significant hits searching on any of the four tactical calls, with or without 13810, 13.810. Or they could be abbreviated, with Army MARS prefices omitted. More Googling found Desert Eagle reported on 14484 in Sept, 2011 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)