sabato 3 agosto 2013

Glenn Hauser logs August 2-3, 2013

** BANGLADESH. 15505, August 2 at 1359 BB IS, very poor but enough to detect the 5+1 ``time`` signal, now ending at 1400:11, opening Urdu. Lately the BB studio clock has been running slow instead of fast. Date correct; JBA 24 hours later (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. Firedrake [non], CNR1 program jamming before 1400 August 3:
16920, poor at 1351; none in the 19s, 18s, 17s
16360, fair at 1351
16160, very good at 1351, with flutter
16100, fair at 1351
15875, fair at 1353
15800, fair at 1353
None lower checked as I was sidetracked by KBS on 15575

** CUBA. RHC English anomalies August 3: 6125 off the air at 0548, and so is 6010! Leaving only 6165, 6060, 5040, more than sufficient. 6060 and 6165 also have somewhat reduced modulation level compared to 5040 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** EAST TURKISTAN [and non]. 13710, August 3 at 1403, CRI English via Kashgar at 308 degrees, atop but plenty of CCI from another station, no doubt AIR GOS in English, as CRI brazenly plopped itself on same frequency; runs only about one second ahead of 13740 Cuba relay. Yet CRI has an excuse, as AIR failed to register 13710 with HFCC, altho it did the other two for GOS-III at 1330-1500, 9690 and 11620 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KOREA SOUTH [and non]. 15575, August 3 at 1354:37, `Listeners` Lounge` on KBSWR is just starting Christer Brunström`s monthly DX report from Sweden. He gets exactly 4 minutes to talk about: VOA`s `Border Crossings`; Austria`s only SW broadcast left, in German, 0500-0615 with news on hours and half hour, classical music at 0535; Tirana`s English at 2000 Mon-Sat to Europe on 7465 often about getting into the EU, with mailbag on Tuesdays, always ending with songs; very old recordings on WWCR Saturdays at 1430 on 15825, `Music Machine Show` [NO: even tho it`s mostly music, title is `Talking Machine Show` as I re-listened to it within the following hour]; V. of Nigeria mostly missing from 1500 English broadcast on 15120 due technical problems; Cairo has VG signal but audio extremely poor and impossible to copy on 12050 in German at 19, French at 20; Sudan 9505 at 1600-1730 in French, 1730-1900 in English as ``Voice of Africa`` and also Sudan Radio, only
 poor. Says he will be back next month, I suppose always on the first Saturday? That would be in 5 weeks, Sept 7 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OMAN [and non]. 15355, August 2 at 2202, today I am tracking what R. Sultanate of Oman is doing. This frequency has presumably just come up with open carrier, good signal, 2203 adding ME music in progress. 2358 speaking Arabic, 0000 August 3 ``Big-Ben`` type TOH chimes play but cut off the air before they can complete!

Then I tune to both 15140 and 9760. Before 0001 arrives, 15140 has an open carrier which wasn`t there before, not as strong at 15355, so I suspect that`s the QSY despite published schedules. But before 0002 arrives, a stronger OC also comes up on 9760, while 15140 is still OC too. At 0009 and 0014 both are still dead air. Next check 0054, 15140 is gone and 9760 is in Arabic. Presumably 15140 was a red herring, something else, but what? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PERU. 5980, August 3 at 0058-0100:21.5*, R. Chaski carrier until autocutoff. That`s 10 seconds later than two nights ago, only 3 seconds later than one night ago, which was an apparent anomaly (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ROMANIA. 13800 good & 11745 fair, August 2 at 2056, RRI IS just before sign-off of English semihour at 2030, reminding us that following just two decent English signals on SW from abroad at 2000, DW Rwanda 15275, and Kuwait 15540, a third station may be added at 2030 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SOUTH CAROLINA [non]. 15420v-CUSB, Saturday August 3 at 1400, can make out Brother Scare this week from WBCQ, unlike 168 hours earlier (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1680 monitoring: confirmed at new fixed time of 0200 UT Saturday August 3 on Area 51 via WBCQ 5110v-CUSB, checked amid this semi-hour. Next: Saturday 2329v on WTWW-2 9930 (or like last week, UT Sunday 0000 on 5085?); UT Sunday 0400.5 on WTWW-1 5830; Sunday 2330v on 9930, which I suppose could also be delayed until 0000. Could also appear anyday anytime after 1700 on 9930 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 15550-USB, poor August 2 at 2201, WJHR with ``Rock of Ages`` themehymn, different version from 1400 sign-on, now closing down, cutting it off in mid-note (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 660, August 3 at 0600 UT, ``NBC News Radio`` frequent IDs in correspondent tags; this is the network for the least possible news on the hour! Don`t usually hear any such and suspect it`s KTNN Window Rock AZ; 0602 Home Depot ad and another one seemingly local but whose name I can`t recognize; quickly confirmed at 0603 by English ID as ``KTNN, AM 660, Window Rock and --- [something] Springs``, right into Dineh chanting you don`t hear on any other clear channel station. They habitually append another town to the ID somewhere on the Navajo Res, er, Nation. CCI from another English-speaker at a different angle, probably KSKY. Suspect KTNN night-direxional is out of whack or being ignored, unprotecting WFAN in almost the same direxion as Enid. Look forward to hearing KTNN more around sunrise as we get closer to fall, when legally on nondirexional day pattern (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** UZBEKISTAN [non]. Wolfgang Büschel and Ivo Ivanov report a new broadcast by BBCWS in Uzbek, 1600-1630 on 13695 via UAE, 15175 Woofferton --- obviously to compensate for ChiCom jamming of the original 1300-1330 on all three of its frequencies. Checked August 2 after 1600, I could not hear anything on either frequency. No doubt this too will be jammed as soon as SARFT catch on (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 710, August 3 at 0605 UT, Spanish M&W chatting, making a SAH, not a LAH, but soon losing out to two US stations, one with Red Eye, one with C2CAM (as always giving different phones for east and west of the Rockies, unlike any other talkshow?). 710 previously had been bothered by low audible heterodyne from SW/NE, but no sign of it now, so that station probably XE, has either fixed it or signed off by now, after midnite in most of Mexico. XEDP usually manages to dominate among the Mexicans on 710. Don`t think it was Cuba now (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 6910-SSB, August 3 at 0058, long dialog in Spanish. Sounds serious, even like a broadcast except there were two stations conversing. No ``puta-madres`` or other swearing heard. Probably a Mexican net of some sort, even legal. Meanwhile I continue for weeks to unhear any pirates above 6910 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 9690, August 3 at 0055, very strong open carrier, off before 0100. Until I adjusted for parallax on the FRG-7 analog dial I at first thought Serbia was back on 9685, but hopes quickly dashed on that. Suspect this was really Spain tuning up for the 0200-0400 ChiCom relay on 9690 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)