ARGENTINA Radio Nacional 15345V 2330 GMT Spanish 333 Sept 25 Group of OMs Singing.
AUSTRALIA Radio Australia - Shepparton 21740 2248 GMT English 444 Sept 25 OM about News and Weather. YL with ID 2249 GMT.
AUSTRALIA HCJB Relay 15525 2322 GMT Chinese 333 Sept 25 Two OMs with comments.
BONAIRE Radio Japan Relay NHK 15265 2333 GMT Japanese 333 Sept 25 Two OMs in a conversation plus two YLs in a conversation.
CHINA CPBS 15380 2327 GMT Chinese 333 Sept 25 YL and OM with comments. Noisy Frequency.
CUBA Radio Havana Cuba RHC 17705 2257 GMT Spanish 444 Sept 25 OM with comments and RHC ID 2300 GMT. OM with Band music 2304 GMT.
MARIANAS, North Radio Free Asia RFA 15585 2315 GMT Chinese 333 Sept 25 YL and OM with comments. Chinese music heard in the background [222].
SPAIN Radio Exterior Espana REE 17595 2306 GMT Spanish 333 Sept 25 YL and OM with comments.
ANGUILLA Caribbean Beacon 6090 0614 GMT English 444 Sept 25 YL and OM group singing. OM with comments on Jesus.
CUBA Radio Havana Cuba RHC 5025 0545 GMT Spanish 333 Sept 25 YL and OM singing. OM with RHC ID 0545 GMT YL and OMs singing. //6050[444]
CUBA Radio Havana Cuba RHC 6010 0600 GMT English 444 Sept 25 OM with comments on Argentina and Chile. YL with comments and RHC ID. News Headlines 0605 GMT. //6060[333].
MEXICO Radio Universidad 6045 0605 GMT Spanish 333 Sept 25 YL and OM with comments.
UNITED STATES, Tennessee WWCR#1 3215 0540 GMT English 333 Sept 25 Choir singing.
UNITED STATES, Tennessee WWCR #4 5890 0550 GMT English 444 Sept 25 OM with comments on his trip to China in the Overcomer Ministry. Also comments on his recent trip to Cuba.
UNITED STATES, Tennessee WWCR #2 5935 0552 GMT English 444 Sept 25 YL with comments about her connections to Jesus.
UNITED STATES, Florida Radio Taiwan Intl Relay 5950 0555 GMT Chinese 444 Sept 25 YL singing. YL with Radio Taiwan ID 0559 GMT YL with comments on Radio Taiwan Intl schedules.
ALBANIA China Radio Intl Relay 9570 0033 GMT English 444 Sept 25 YL and OM with comments on China Exports going worldwide.
ALBANIA China Radio Intl Relay 9570 0033 GMT English 444 Sept 25 YL and OM with comments on China Exports going worldwide.
CHINA China Radio Intl CRI 9800 0045 GMT Spanish 333 Sept 25 Two OMs with comments.
CUBA Radio Havana Cuba RHC 6180 0010 GMT Spanish 333 Sept 25 OM with ongoing comments.
CUBA Radio Havana Cuba RHC 6180 0010 GMT Spanish 333 Sept 25 OM with ongoing comments.
SPAIN Radio Exterior Espana REE 9620 0035 GMT Spanish 333 Sept 25 YL and OM with comments.
UNITED STATES, South Carolina World Harvest Radio WHR 7315 0020 GMT English 333 Sept 25 Choir singing.
UNITED STATES, North Carolina Radio Marti 7365 0023 GMT Spanish 333 Sept 25 Two OMs with ongoing comments.
UNITED STATES, North Carolina Voice of America VOA 9885 0051 GMT Spanish 333 Sept 25 YL and OM with comments and mentioning Argentina often.
Stewart MacKenzie, WDX6AA
Huntington Beach, California, United States of America
Rcvrs: Kenwood R5000 and Grundig Satellit 650
"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Come Alive"