mercoledì 4 gennaio 2012

Glenn Hauser logs January 3-4, 2012

** ALGERIA [non]. Besides many RFI transmissions, see FRANCE, an RTA frequency via Issoudun is also missing: Jan 4 at 0610, nothing on 5865.

See the HFCC schedule at
but note that it mixes in imaginary transmissions by sites inside Algeria, and also includes dates not currently in effect. Removing all the chaff, the remaining current daily schedule is:

5865 0400 0500 37S,38W,46E,47,48W  162 500  30-Oct-2011 24-Mar-2012
5865 0500 0600 37S,46              194 500  30-Oct-2011 24-Mar-2012
7295 0500 0600 37S,38W,46E,47,48W  162 500  30-Oct-2011 24-Mar-2012
5865 0600 0700 37S,46              194 500  30-Oct-2011 25-Feb-2012
9390 1800 2000 37S,38W,46E,47,48W  162 500  30-Oct-2011 24-Mar-2012
7455 1900 2100 37S,46              194 500  30-Oct-2011 24-Mar-2012
9390 1900 2100 37S,46              194 500  30-Oct-2011 24-Mar-2012
7455 2000 2100 37S,38W,46E,47,48W  162 500  30-Oct-2011 25-Feb-2012
9390 2000 2100 37S,38W,46E,47,48W  162 500  30-Oct-2011 24-Mar-2012
5865 2100 2300 37S,46              194 500  30-Oct-2011 24-Mar-2012
7455 2100 2200 37S,38W,46E,47,48W  162 500  30-Oct-2011 24-Mar-2012

Please confirm whether any of these are still on the air. No point in my checking 9390 at 1800-2100, due to Brother Scare 9385 WWRB (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ASCENSION. 11985, Jan 3 at 2149, VTC music loop is playing on poor signal. Must have lost feed from FEBA Pulaar broadcast scheduled daily [except Wed, but this was Tue] 2145-2215 via BaBcoCk for 250 kW, 27 degree transmission from English Bay (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BULGARIA. 9400, Jan 4 at 0606, good open carrier from R. Bulgaria, kilowasting kilowatts long before the next transmission at 0630 in German. Not on // 7400, however. Both frequencies are supposed to be in Turkish at 0600-0630, and may well be in the opposite direxion, from other Plovdiv transmitters, as we have previously heard that barely audible under the big carrier, but not tonight. Axually, HFCC shows 5900, 7400 and 9400 for 0600-0630 Turkish, but WRTH shows only 5900 and 7400 --- With the single exception of one Bulgarian language broadcast, RB never uses more than two SW frequencies at once, so one of those at 0600 is wooden (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. Firedrake Jan 4 1455-1500: NONE found 7-19 MHz (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** FRANCE [and non]. Many, but not all RFI broadcasts previously scheduled continue to be missing in 2012y. We are trying to find out whether permanent cancellations have been made, or there is some other problem such as industrial action at the transmitter sites, and/or at certain language sections?

21690, Jan 3 at 1831, French is still poorly audible. The 17-20 segment has been scheduled via GUIANA FRENCH. Jorge Freitas, Brasil also heard this Jan 3 until closing at 1959.

17630, the Spanish broadcast at 2100-2130 is still missing Jan 3 at 2116 check, (and Jorge Freitas agrees). Mike Cooper says: ``RFI Spanish programming found on satellite as usual at 2100, nothing heard
on 17630. I don't know of any reason for the frequencies to be missing. No reference to frequency issues seen at RFI Spanish page(s). Review of French news, including AFP in French, turns up nothing mentioning TDF or anything unusual out of French Guyana.``

So are all RFI Spanish broadcasts off? 1000-1030 UT M-F on 7375, 9825, and 1200-1230 on 17610, 15515, all GUF, I have not yet checked. But Mike Cooper reports Jan 4: ``Glenn: Meteo Marine not heard this morning on 13640 at 1130, nor Spanish on 17690 at 1400``

11995, Jan 4 at 0555, no signal from RFI English as scheduled at 05-06, altho the band was about dead, so can`t be sure it`s off.

9765, Jan 4 at 0603, no signal, scheduled for 06-07 English, and the band is certainly open, e.g. Turkey 9820, 9700; Pridnestrovye 9895; Bulgaria 9400, etc., etc.

7220, Jan 4 at 0607, RFI Hausa is still on the air, ex-English by mistake until 0630.

7390, Jan 4 at 0607, RFI French is weakly audible and seems undermodulated; also on 5925 vs heavy splatter from WWCR 5935.

15300 and 17620, Jan 4 at 1410, RFI French are missing, and so is Spanish via GUF on 17690. Ditto next Spanish after 1600 on 17690.

Meanwhile, other DXLD monitors have also been checking out RFI:
Walt Salmaniw, Victoria BC: ``Glenn asked whether RFI in English was on at 04 to 08 UT. I checked tonight 4 Jan, and conditions were not very good, and all that was audible was very weak carriers on 9805 between 04 and 05, and 15160 between 06 and 07. Both far too weak to ID, and nothing at all on any of the other frequencies``

Harold Sellers, BC: ``I was also hearing 15160 very weak - but IDable - in the 0600-0700 period tonight, January 4``

That conflicts with wb`s note about 15160 below, and I must point out that R. Australia is also on 15160 in English at 05-08 --- this entry is missing from current HFCC, but in RA`s own schedule
Should be easy to identify by // 15240, 13690, 13630 if propagating.

Wolfgang Büschel, Germany: ``Cease of RFI? or strike at TDF personnel?

At 0630-0700 UT Jan 4 heard only:
RFI French on 5925 and 7390 kHz.
BUT NOT on air on 7340, 9765, 9790, 11700, nor 15160 kHz.

RFI Hausa   0700-0730 UT 13685, 15315 kHz. Not on 11830 kHz.

RFI English 0700-0757 UT not 11725, not 15615 kHz.

RFI French  0700-0800 UT 9790, 11700 2x 190/204degr, 13695,
15170-MEY relay, 15300 2x 155/190degr, 17850 kHz.

RFI French  0800-0900 UT 13695, 17620, 21580 kHz.

RFI French 0900-1000 UT ceased totally,
nothing on 13695, 15300, 17620, 17850, 21580 kHz.

RFI French 0900-1000 UT ceased totally,
nothing on 13695, 15300, 17620, 17850, 21580 kHz.

RFI French 1000-1100 UT ceased totally,
nothing on 6175, 15300, 17620, 21690GUF kHz.

RFI French 1100-1200 UT ceased totally,
nothing on 6175, 15300, 17620, 21690GUF kHz.
Only 1100-1130 UT French/Laotion was on air via Tainan-TWN relay on odd 15679.980 kHz

RFI French 1200-1300 UT on air 15300, 17660MEY, 21580, 21690GUF kHz.
Missed 6175 kHz, and Spanish 15515 17610 kHz.

All French public radio LW and MW outlets here in Europe are on air
regularly. Seemingly only the technicians at TDF are on - partly - strike? Spanish section missing, but Hausa service was regular on schedule. RFI via Meyerton and Taiwan relays functioning well. vy73 Wolfy``

The original/complete RFI HFCC schedule is here:
(Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also ALGERIA [non]

** GREECE. 9420, Jan 3 at 2150, VOG is active with classical violin solo, Greek announcement, then some sacred choral music until 2200 news. Wonder if they are taking feed from a different domestic network than usual, or just observing Orthodox Xmas season with less secular music than usual (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NETHERLANDS [non]. 9830, RNW Dutch at 06-07 via Wertachtal, GERMANY is missing Jan 4 at 0605, but still VG on BONAIRE 9865 and a couple seconds later on PRIDNESTROVYE 9895. As well as BONAIRE 6165 and VATICAN 5955. I believe I also noticed 9830 absent 24 hours earlier. The latest schedule still shows 9830:

** SOUTH AFRICA [non]. 9955, Jan 4 at 0615, Channel Africa via WRN via WRMI, program ID as `Rise & Shine`, about residents of town in Sudan war zone having to flee. No signal on 15255 direct unlike 24 hours earlier. Suspect WRN at this hour is playing back earlier live show at 03, 04 or 05 UT, as by 06 (8 am local) everyone should have risen and be shining if not fleeing; but can`t get a connexion to their program info at
as linked from
nor even to their plain old homepage (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TAIWAN [non]. 11995, Jan 4 at 0205 check, RTI Spanish service via GUIANA FRENCH is confirmed for a change, instead of dead air or no signal. Montsinéry may have got the message that something was amiss with this transmission.

Meanwhile, everything remains amiss at WYFR, still running RTI English on 9355 during this hour // 9680 and 5950, instead of scheduled Spanish on 9355. And German instead of Spanish after 0600 on 6875 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)