sabato 3 dicembre 2011

Glenn Hauser logs December 2-3, 2011

** ANGUILLA. 11775, Dec 3 at 1347, dead air from DGS, The Valley, over lite CCI; left a receiver on here, to find that PMS would finally start modulating in progress at 1414:30 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. Firedrake Dec 3, before 0700:
17450, first found here during drumming passage, very poor at 0654. New for me, and only one previous report of this one, Nov 13 at 1049 from Arthur Antonio Raimundo in Goiás. Several other signals now on 17 MHz, including CRI Chinese on 17650, German on 17720, EAST TURKISTAN
16980, fair at 0657
16700, very poor at 0657, and vs local cable DTV bubble jammer box
16100, very poor at 0656
15900, poor at 0657
14700, poor at 0658
13970, very poor at 0658
13920, fair at 0658; no others down to 10 MHz by 0700

Before 1400:
17100, very poor with flutter at 1357
13970, very poor at 1352, mixing Chinese talk presumably Sound of Hope
13920, fair at 1352; none lower, nor higher in the 14s, 15s, 16s, 18s

The latest DXLD,
contains a periodic compilation by Harold Frodge of all reported Firedrake frequencies this year, ``Crash & Bang Chinese Opera Music Jammers``; Steve Handler also puts out his own Firedrake monitoring grid, but it`s restricted from publication (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** FRANCE. The strike at RFI is now in its sixth day. 7220 // 7390 Dec 3 at 0623 with RFI Musique (song in English at the moment) replacing English news which earlier replaced Hausa on 7220, and replacing French on 7390 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** JAPAN [non]. 15720, Dec 3 at 1430, `Sakura` poorly audible, so must be NHK, opening a language, scheduled Hindi via MADAGASCAR (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MAURITANIA. 7245, Dec 3 at 0648, IGIM in Arabic music, somewhat chanty but with instrumental accompaniment, not the Qur`anic soloist (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TAIWAN [non]. 6875, ditto several weeks of previous almost-daily chex (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 15610, Dec 3 at 1355, WEWN missing, normally on air from 1200; the two Spanish frequencies, 11550 and 12050, were operational nominally. Therefore, also missing were the constant squishy spurs from the English transmitter, 15601 and 15619 being the worst. Meanwhile, some intermittent ute was on 15605, a frequency not listed for any broadcaster. All of WEWN`s signals back on at 1514 check (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 15825, Dec 3 at 1356, horrible modulation in gospel music (?), but announcement about it from Columbia SC was clear; therefore program audio partially far below broadcast quality.

Also, I am daring to hope WWCR has finally fixed severe problems with number one transmitter, as have not noticed it splattering over half the 19m band lately. This signal was merely spreading 15805-15845 or so, so could not either make out the plus/minus 15.6 kHz spurs on 15809.4, 15840.6. Is anyone still hearing those parasites to #1 on this or its other daypart frequencies, 7465, 3195, 3215, 7465? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1593 monitoring: 1628 Dec 3, JBA on 9955, the Sat 1600 airing on WRMI, repeating at 1830, Sun 0900, 1630, 1830, Monday 1230.

Jeff White says the Michael Méndez show UT Fridays at 0430 is in English. So there is never any need for jamming during that hour, including blocking WOR 24 hours earlier, UT Thursday 0430.

On WTWW 5755: UT Sunday 0500.
On WBCQ 7490: Tuesday 2230 (at least it was last week, by surprise)

Larry Will advises that for financial reasons, schedule for Area 51 has to be reduced, so WORLD OF RADIO will no longer be heard, at least for now, UT Mondays at 0400 on WBCQ 5110v-CUSB; nor International Radio Report at 0430. Our thanks to Larry for availablizing WOR when possible, and we hope financial support for A51 will pick up. New schedule is here:

UNIDENTIFIED. 6150, Dec 2 from 2300, trying to get something identifiable here from R. Bayrak, TRNC: at 2305, two stations with very poor signals on slightly different frequencies, says the BFO. Some talk seems to have Brazilian intonation. But at 2308 a slight surge from one of them is surely in Chinese. Bayrak may well be somewhere down there, but not for sure here yet. It seems both it and R. Record, São Paulo, play western pop music, and Bayrak sometimes says something in English. We need to hear some definite Turkish talk.

Martien Groot, Netherlands, logging at 0255 Dec 3 the Bayrak carrier only, reaffirms that it is stuck on 6150.03, (Büschel says 6150.037) but the main signal I was getting was close to 6150.00, using the 5-kHz step method against nearby signals with BFO. Martien says R. Record is on 6150.00 or only very slightly lower. The Chinese is RTI in Chinese at 22-24, which means it`s more likely CNR1 jamming I was hearing. The latter may be turned on and off at odd times (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)