domenica 17 aprile 2011

Glenn Hauser logs April 17, 2011

** CHINA. Firedrake April 17:
 7970, fair at 1237. Again nothing on 8400, replaced by this?
10300, good at 1250, much stronger than 10965/10970; poor at 1316
10965, poor at 1248 // 10970 about equal level; poor at 1316; poor at 1333, obscured by stronger // 10970, also // 16980
10970, poor at 1248 // 10965 about equal level; gone at 1316; back on good at 1332 // 14950
11150, open carrier with Firedrake-like flutter 1245-1246* Else?
13920, poor at 1253; poor at 1352 with RTTY QRM
14700, fair at 1253 and not // 10300
14950, good at 1327
15430, fair at 1339 // 16100; vs V. of Tibet via UAE

15560, fair at 1349 // 16100, before Portugal is on from 1400. What`s to jam here? HFCC shows: ``15560 1300 1400 44 DB 100 70 1234567 270311 291011 D TJK NEW WRN 16445 res`` -- I guess that means in reserve. However, Aoki shows:
15559 1330-1342 TJK * VOICE OF TIBET Chi Dushanbe-Ya 1-7 
15562 1335-1407 TJK * VOICE OF TIBET Tib Dushanbe-Ya 1-7

15670, sometimes with FD, but not now at 1349, something in Chinese(?). Maybe 15560 was a mispunch for this? Or CNR1 jamming instead against R. Free Asia in Tibetan via Tajikistan

16100, good at 1328 and // 16980; better than 16980 at 1333; was listening to 16100 when it cut off at 1400*
16980, good at 1256, fair at 1327; // 10965, 10970, 16100 at 1333

** CUBA [and non]. 6010, April 17 at 0522, open carrier from RHC, vs Colombo-Méxican hets underneath. 6050 was OK with RHC English. Note to transmitter operators: both modulation and carrier are necessary to complete the mission. Put this reminder on a post-it on the unit. O, they probably don`t have post-its in ancient Cuba, a modern luxury.

15120, Sunday April 17 at 1335, RHC `En Contacto` DX program, an echo apart from 15230 but not from // 15360 with monthly report from Pedro Sedano, Spain, including the schedule of HCJB on 6050! Naturally, no mention that RHC is blocking it for at least 4 hours a night despite pleas to get off.

Later he has a more intriguing item: From Mexico, Radio Insurgente is broadcasting Saturdays at 09-10 UT on 6000; see website. This Chiapan clandestine was in the news several years ago, but no one (?) ever reported really hearing it. Is it back, or is this extremely stale info?

Anyhow it has quite a website, ``Radio Insurgente, la voz de los sin voz, voz del Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional, transmitiendo desde las montañas del sureste mexicano`` but `new` latest audio is dated 20 April 2009! The page ``Programas semanales de Onda Corta`` says:

``Estos programas de Radio Insurgente están dirigidos a la sociedad civil nacional e internacional. Se transmiten semanalmente, todos los sábados a las 15:00 horas (hora del centro de México GMT-6) en la frecuencia 6.0 MHz en la banda de 49 metros. Cada programa tiene una duración de aproximadamente una hora. Puedes escucharlos o bajarlos para su retransmisión. Para escucharlos haz clic en Escuchar. Para bajarlos haz clic en el botón derecho del ratón (con la opción "guardar como").``

So it says Saturdays 1500 local time = 2100 UT, not 0900, mis-converted! Except local time is now UT -5 = 2000 UT, in stark daylight when 6000 if really on the air is not going to penetrate very far even with decent power which this is unlikely to enjoy. Unless RHC lend them a transmitter, a theory we have always doubted. And the broadcasts listed on this page are from no later than 2008y.

Back to RHC itself: being Sunday, 13750 fired up instead of 13680, and // 13780 with own programming at 1415; no signals on 15370 (which did have a suspicious open carrier at 1338), or 17750. Further check at 1550 found none of the `Aló, Presidente` frequencies on the air.

For once the A,P website, with a misspelt URL,

provides some date-specific info, that it will not be aired April 17 or 24: ``El programa dominical "Aló, Presidente", conducido por el comandante Hugo Chávez, no será transmitido este domingo 17 de abril, debido al asueto de semana santa.

La información la suministró el ministro del Poder Popular para la Comunicación y la Información, Andrés Izarra, a través de su usuario en la red social Twitter, @izarradeverdad.

El programa del presidente, es el espacio comunicacional más importante del país, y cuenta con una alta audiencia. La suspensión del mismo, también se extiende al domingo 24 de abril`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** EAST TURKISTAN. 15245, April 17 at 0526 some nice guitar music causes me to pause, but it`s mixed with talk in German. Seems like a clash of two stations; 0527 the German changes to YL singing; 0529 Chinese mixed with German. Per HFCC this is only CRI`s German service, 05-07, 500 kW, 308 degrees from Wulumuchi (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GREECE [and non]. 15630, April 17 at 0534, VOG with usual Sunday-morning Greek Orthodox off-key singing; at 0532 was also hearing 15595, Vatican Radio with similar but more tuneful singing in mass, then speaking Latin (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** IRAN. 15530, April 17 at 0531 something in Spanish, poor with flutter, then into Qur`an, à la VRII, and so it is, the 0530-0630 Spanish to Europe, 500 kW, 289 degrees from Kamalabad (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. R. Insurgente, EZLN clandestine: see CUBA [and non]

** PALAU. 9930, April 17 at 1312, co-channel QRM between singing and  a YL preacher mentioning her sked on various stations including KFNX 1100 (which keeps spamming me to buy time for WORLD OF RADIO), and offering free! bookmark with her schedule on request from 95252 ---
No! It`s not CCI, but deliberate programming, for at 1314 both stop and WHR promo starts in the clear including long-distance phone number 011+. Is anyone really going to phone South Bend from Pacificasia?? 1315 ``Easy English Studies`` by reading Psalm XXIII, follow along in your Bible --- but which of countless versions? That could be quite confusing unless they match. ``I shall not want``? What does that mean? Virtually the opposite of current usage. Archaic! HFCC shows ``HBN`` which really means T8WH, 100 kW, 345 degrees from Koror (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** RUSSIA. 12070, fair April 17 at 0537, ``For Me & My Gal``, then Russian announcement. R. Rossii sure plays a lot of American music - good for them, and us. HFCC shows 250 kW, 265 degrees from Moscow at 04-08. Meanwhile I checked VOR English to NAm on 13775 and they were talking about microörganisms (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SPAIN [and non]. 11880 via COSTA RICA, Sunday April 17 at 1233, REE `Amigos de la Onda Corta` has just started, mentioning some Radio Habana Cuba frequencies, one of which does not ring true, if I heard it right, so later at 1520 I try to listen to the latest show via
but it`s still last week`s program --- and the page still shows both wrong times for it.

AOC also audible much weaker on the other two CR frequencies, 5970 mixed with YFR via Komsomol`sk/Amure, and 11815 mixed with Japan. At 1251 I come across AOC on better 13720 direct from Noblejas in mailbag segment subtitled ``hemos recibido cartas`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SUDAN [and non]. 13620, April 17 at 0524 another check of the jammings against R. Dabanga via MADAGASCAR: once again the continuous tone from another carrier also producing a subaudible heterodyne; 13730 with oscillating tone and pulsing, quite a bit weaker. Are they aware of this back in Hilversum, and thinking of doing anything about it? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 3185, April 17 at 0520 WWRB still with E-Persian Radio from Los Angeles rather than Brother Scare, traditional Persian music. But by next check at 1235 on day frequency 9385, back to the doom & gloom of BS. The fun is done! Now the LDPOG is // but not synchronized with 9980 WWCR (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 12050, April 17 at 1247, squealing WEWN transmitter nicely fills in the long boring pauses during daily morning TV mass live simulcast, with nothing else but an occasional cough. Even so, the order of the mass is to say the least, extremely predictable, so why keep doing it over and over? God likes his followers to be in a rut? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 1560 monitoring: 9955, WRMI, Sunday April 17 at 1550 check, cannot detect anything more than a carrier altho not jammed; but confirmed on webcast. WRMI is still not able to use its NW antenna, and we often suspect it`s also on the backup 5 kW transmitter instead of 50. Next airings are: Sun 1730, Mon 1130, 2130, Tue 1530, Wed 0100, 1530.

Thanks to Ivan Huziak, who checked WOR reception in Karlovac, Croatia:

``Hello Mr. Glenn Hauser, This is reception report of your show World of Radio on Friday April 15, 2011 and Saturday April 16, 2011:
Friday   20:30 UTC on 15825 - no signal
Saturday 16:00 UTC on 12160 - no signal
Saturday 18:00 UTC on 7290 SINPO is: 44455
Saturday 18:00 UTC on 1566 and 1368 MW - no signal
Receiver: Toshiba RT-6390 (made in 1977 year)
Antenna: Whip antenna 90 cm long``

** VENEZUELA [non]. No `Aló, Presidente` this Sunday or next: CUBA ###