mercoledì 19 gennaio 2011

SIDC Weekly Bulletin

:Issued: 2011 Jan 17 1726 UTC
:Product: documentation at
# SIDC Weekly bulletin on Solar and Geomagnetic activity            #
WEEK 524 from 2011 Jan 10 


Four sunspot groups were reported by Catania during the week: 91, 96, 97 and 98 (NOAA ARs 1140, 1145, 1146, and 1147, respectively). The first three groups did not generate flaring activity above the B5 level.

On January 14-16 the flaring activity was dominated by the Catania sunspot group 98 (NOAA AR 1147). On January 14, while still behind the north-east solar limb (returning NOAA AR 1138), it produced C1.6 and C1.0 flares peaking at 03:30 and 13:07 UT respectively. After its appearance from behind the east solar limb, Catania sunspot group 98 produced a C1.1 flare peaking at 14:19 UT on January 15. On January 16 the flaring activity of Catania sunspot group 98 decreased to the B-level.

A low-latitude coronal hole in the northern hemisphere reached the solar central meridian on January 10. A fast solar wind flow from this coronal hole arrived at the Earth on January 13 (see below). Another low-latitude coronal hole, this time in the southern hemisphere, reached the solar central meridian on January 14.


In the beginning of the week, the Earth was situated inside the trailing part of a fast solar wind stream. The interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) magnitude was at the average level, so the geomagnetic conditions were quiet. Late on January 13, the fast solar wind flow from a low-latitude coronal hole in the northern hemisphere (see above) arrived at the Earth. The IMF magnitude did not reach particularly high values either in the stream interaction region or in the fast flow itself, so the geomagnetic situation remained quiet. On January 16 the solar wind speed decreased and an interplanetary sector boundary was crossed in the end of the day, possibly giving an early warning of the approaching fast solar wind stream from a low-latitude coronal hole in the southern hemisphere. As the IMF magnitude remained at the average level, the geomagnetic conditions stayed quiet.

DATE          RC  EISN  10CM  Ak  BKG    M  X
2011 Jan 10  035    019  83  008  A7.2  0  0
2011 Jan 11  024    016  83  012  A6.5  0  0
2011 Jan 12  026    015  80  007  A6.8  0  0
2011 Jan 13  013    007  80  012  A7.3  0  0
2011 Jan 14  000    000  79  016  A9.3  0  0
2011 Jan 15  011    000  80  004  B1.0  0  0
2011 Jan 16  ///    009  80  006  A7.3  0  0
# RC  : Sunspot index (Wolf Number) from Catania Observatory (Italy)
# EISN : Estimated International Sunspot Number
# 10cm : 10.7 cm  radioflux (DRAO, Canada)
# Ak  : Ak Index Wingst (Germany)
# BKG  : Background GOES X-ray level (NOAA, USA)
# M,X  : Number of X-ray flares in M and X class, see below (NOAA, USA)

# Solar Influences Data analysis Center - RWC Belgium                #
# Royal Observatory of Belgium                                      #
# Fax : 32 (0) 2 373 0 224                                          #
# Tel.: 32 (0) 2 373 0 491                                          #