domenica 2 maggio 2010

Glenn Hauser logs May 2, 2010

** CANADA. 6160, May 2 at 0600, CBC News with slight echo and rippling SAH, so CKZN and CKZU both in at this time. Normally programming is 4 hours apart except for certain hourtop national newscasts. The least CBC could do would be to: zero-beat the two transmitters with each other; and: synchronize the network program feeds (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. Propagation from E Asia was quite degraded the morning of May 2: the only Firedrake I could find 9-18 MHz was 12950, just barely audible at 1345. However:

11590 // 11605 at 1234 May 2 in Chinese, presumably CNR1 jammers. You know your station has a PR problem when the first assumption of anyone hearing it is that it`s a jammer rather than a legitimate transmission. But do the ChiCom care? Of course not! The urgency for jamming into oblivion any outside news or opinion trumps everything else. Uplooked later in Aoki, yes, both are jammers against RFA`s Tibetan service via Kuwait and Tinian respectively (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA [and non]. At 1532 May 2 checking for Aló, Presidente relays of Venezuela, none of those, but RHC itself active with rather weak signals on 11730, 11760, 12030, 15380, the last clashing at about equal level with listed R. Ashna via Wertachtal (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GERMANY [non]. 15410, May 2 at 1225 in perfect French discussing strikes in Spain with frequent voice-overs from comments in Castilian. Fair signal; 1230 DW 4-note sounder, ID and into ``Club de l`auditeur``, bit of ``Happy Birthday`` ditty and tribute to Togo`s indépendence.

This is via RWANDA at 12-13, 295 degrees, preceded by an hour of Swahili, followed by an hour of Hausa, each on a different azimuth. Hmm, 1230 Sunday is when we once could hear Club 9516 in English from France with David Page, if 21620 were propagating (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. 9526-, Sunday May 2 at 1310 and still at 1329, nothing but open carrier from English hour of VOI, another station which never gets through a week without some kind of foulup (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. 6045, XEXQ, SLP, Sunday May 2: tune-in 1202, carrier is on, but no modulation until 1211 with choral NA, 1213 right into Pomp & Circumstance March No. 1 by Elgar, which they play in its 6.5 minute entirety every morning to begin the day. No announcements at all yet until it`s over at 1219.6, sign-on mentioning 5,000 watts which is the MW 1190 power, 1220 timecheck, 1222.5 another TC and into a waltz. Signal was barely audible vs noise level.

Julián Santiago Díez de Bonilla, DF, has been in further contact with XEXQ. He says it was reactivated April 28; the replacement part did not come from Chile but from Newark Electronix in Guadalajara, power is 450 watts to a V antenna 12 meters on a side at a height of 6 meters, oriented north/south (so apparently we are in a good spot for maximum signal), and the summer schedule is 1200-0400 UT daily (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 11715, KJES not heard for several days, but certainly active Sunday May 2 at 1533, inbooming on 11715 with kids doing catechisms in Spanish. Must have HF sporadic E boost, but not reaching VHF per DX Sherlock and TV-FM Skip Log (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** VENEZUELA [non]. 11705, RNV via CUBA, unusually with decent modulation May 2 at 1237, but usual Commie propaganda in the name of Bolívar. What would Simón say?

``Aló, Presidente`` check at 1532 Sunday May 2: Nothing on any of the usual Cuban relay frequencies, 17750, 13750, 13680, 12010, 11690 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also CUBA ###