sabato 1 maggio 2010

Glenn Hauser logs April 30-May 1, 2010

** ALBANIA. 13640, R. Tirana, April 30 at 2012 in English, S9+15 during music, then ``Albanian Outstanding Personalities Profile``, trouble is I couldn`t catch his name, a ``humanist`` and Catholic priest in 1474. Maybe they mean humanitarian? After a few minutes, rest of transmission was music until 2027 goodbye, theme and cut off air before it could finish.

Later, from DW news May 1 at 0615 on 7325 via Portugal, I learned that this was a big day in Tirana, a demonstration by 200,000 supporters of the Socialist opposition against the validity of last June`s elexion. I sure wish I had heard how R. Tirana itself covered that in the first 12 minutes (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ANTARCTICA. Since I had heard LRA36 virtually every weekday for two weeks, checked Saturday May 1 just in case, but not even a carrier on 15476 or a 4-kHz het with 15480, around 1330 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. Firedrake May 1:
10240, good at 1320, unusual frequency
10440, equally good at 1320
12600, fair at 1326
12960, good at 1326, not on 12970 or 12950 today
13970, good at 1326
None others found 8-19 MHz.

However, checking 15540 at 1332 I hear weak CNR1 jamming // much stronger 15285 and 15265; nothing else audible on 15540, so I wonder if V. of Tibet`s expanded broadcast is really contracted now out of this timeslot. But unlike the DentroCubans, the ChiCom are pretty astute at avoiding jamming against nothing, even if we can`t hear the victim.

And at 1434 I find a poor and fluttery CNR1 on 17560 // 15285. This is to jam V. of Tibet due northeast from MADAGASCAR at 1400-1430, unheard. As of today this VOT broadcast is at 1400-1430 only, ex 1330-1430 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CYPRUS. Over-the-horizon radar pulses covering 25 kHz, presumed from here, May 1 at 1329, poor on 14555-14580 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KURDISTAN [non]. 11530, M singer ululating May 1 at 0450, surely must be V. of Mesopotamia via Mykolayiv, UKRAINE; and no WYFR QRM. Then checking its latest sked, I see I lucked into a gap between the 0400-0445 Portuguese broadcast and French from 0500 on 11530 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KUWAIT. 15540, R. Kuwait in English, Friday April 30: at 1933 UT ``This Day in History``, detailed features on Casey Jones, end of Vietnam War, then a bunch of short items: 1770, David Thompson born, something to do with Canada. 1803, Louisiana Purchase. 1870 Lehár born. 1948 first Land Rover exhibited. 1957 Egypt reopens Suez Canal. 1993 Balanchine becomes director of NYC Ballet. This lasted until 1942 UT, co-narrated by Paul Kennedy and a YL, probably Arab whose name I couldn`t catch. Was there anything about Kuwait? If so, I missed it.

RK puts more effort into its TDIH than VOA or VOI, 2 or 3 minutes each. Is this on daily at 1930? Skipping any day is surely out of the question. However, this also means less attention necessary to current events. Doing a decent job of covering breaking news is best left to SW broadcasters on the level of VOA, DW and BBC.

Reception usually holds up till sign-off 2100v* but at next check today at 2052 had become JBA (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** LAOS [non]. 11785 via WHRI, Hmong World Christian Radio, May 1 at 1324 with traditional music but messed up by talkover, plus heavy CCI from Chinese radio war. HWCR is Saturdays only at 1300-1330.

BTW, I still check occasionally for V. of Biafra International via WHRI during its last-known transmission which vanished in December, Friday 19-20 on 15665, including April 30, and so far have not found any surprise comeback. Have VOBI abandoned their dream of independence from those SOBs in the rest of Nigeria? We need more radio countries! Beyond the NASWA convention of once-a-country, always-a-country (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS. 19m was hopping and even 16m, around 0430
May 1: best from 17880 and 17615 with Radio Free Asia in Chinese, via Saipan and Tinian respectively, or so I think rather than the ChiCom CNR1 jamming which surely accompanies it in Asia. However, at next check 0610, everything was dead above 13 MHz (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SAUDI ARABIA. BSKSA HQS, still running two nearby frequencies at once, contrary to known schedule, May 1 at 1336 on 17615 // 17625, only fair-poor with RFI in French amid on 17620. 17615 is supposed to change to 17625 at 1200. But at 1423 check, now it`s only 17615, not 17625 which apparently axually closed at 1400 as it is scheduled  (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SOUTH CAROLINA [non]. Brother Scare is back on WWCR: May 1 at 0454 on 5890, no longer // 5935 DGS, which was rather pointless. WWCR has put up new pdf program grid as of May 1, showing BS:
M-F   15-20 13845
Daily 04-11  5890
The SFAW/PPP sked on WWCR now also matches what we had in last report. No changes to WORLD OF RADIO`s six times (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) see also USA, WBCQ for more BS

** TURKEY. 11980, at 0449 May 1, good with nice but very repetitive ME music; I was beginning to think it was an IS, but varied somewhat over time. 0500 one-pip timesignal about one second late, W&M with Turkish announcements, news? 0504 back to music but weakening. It`s TRT Çakirlar, 04-06 at 310 degrees to Europe and consequently NAm beyond (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO on WWCR: #1510 confirmed on 15825, Friday April 30 starting at 2030:10, poor here with no Es to help; also ending by 1657 so it must have started a bit early, Saturday May 1 on 12160, good now with some sporadic E in play, and no looping. Next airings are: UT Sun 0230 on 4840, 0630 on 3215, 2330 on 9980, Mon 0330 on 5890 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 17920.4v, KVOH whining spur audible April 30 at 2006, from strong 17775. As usual the match on 17629.6v was much weaker, but same pitch of whine detectable (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 9330, May 1 at 1433 fair with a preacher in Amerenglish citing Hebrews, something new here, with splash from VOK 9335. O yeah, it`s the Good Friends Radio Network which has just bought 12 hours a day on WBCQ, 13-01 UT, and thus knox out all the other bits of programming, which had appeared on 9330 between those hours: that infomercial at 18-19, World of Radio rarely at 1900-1930, Amos `n` Andy at 1930-1940; and Area 51 (93?) later in evening. Did not notice whether this 9330 transmission is still CUSB, but at this hour CLSB would be better vs P`yongyang.

It`s also bad news for R. Damascus, Syria, which will now have WBCQ co-channel at all its times using 9330, so we can only hope 12085 will be funxional in more ways than one.

WBCQ schedule update confirms this, as well as another timechange for the DX programs via Area 51 Sunday evenings on 5110-CUSB: Pirates Week at 0200-0230 UT Mondays, International Radio Report at 0230-0300 UT Mondays.

Brother Scare is also ``back`` on WBCQ 7415 now:
Saturday-Thursday 8 pm-11 pm (0000-0300 UT Sun-Fri) and
Friday            9 pm-11 pm (0100-0300 UT Sat)
I wasn`t aware he had gone away, having given up bothering with 7415 during those times (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###