giovedì 8 aprile 2010

Glenn Hauser logs April 7-8, 2010

** ALBANIA. 13755, R. Tirana, at 1436 April 8 during English to NAm, just barely audible as higher-latitude propagation paths are still degraded; amid much stronger signals from Cuba on 13740 and 13770 which had to be attenuated (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BRAZIL. 9819.9, April 8 at 0648, poor signal with music, no doubt R. Nove de Julho, as confirmed frequency was off, compared to WBAP 820 by tuning the MHz dial only on the FRG-7 with BFO on. South America was prime source of only weak signals on band at this time; see PERU for a similar case (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CANADA. 9650, Sackville, April 8 at 1433 with RCI IS and IDs loop in French and English, VG signal in what is supposed to be KBS World Radio relay in Korean; I know I was hearing that OK earlier in the hour as I tuned by, so lost feed, and same situation at 1436, 1444, probably for rest of hour. BBC also had an anomaly on 31m: see SINGAPORE (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. Firedrake April 8: at 1410 poor on 8400; at 1415 better on 10300 (not 10400), and 1417 in all-drumming passage; 1418 weaker on 11500, no others found (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. RHC check at 0705 April 8, when you never know which frequencies will be on with which language: 5040 and 6010 in English, ``Ed Newman`` opening the mailbag on this UT Thursday. 6060, 6120 and 6150 in Spanish; and 5970 off (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA [non]. April 5 at 1406 I had noticed an open carrier on 9565, likely Greenville tuning up for R. Martí scheduled to start at 1700; but April 8 at 1430 it`s RM already running on this frequency, and the DentroCuban Jamming Command hasn`t noticed yet, tho they have been jamming 9565 for months at other times of night when RM was never using it!

As I tuned in, RM was announcing that MW 1180 was off the air temporarily, to be back on soon but could still be heard on all its usual SW frequencies, unspecified. The regular RM SW frequencies at this hour, 11845, 11930 and 13820 were all on air vs varying degrees of heavy jamming.

So I theorize that RM was authorized to add a fourth SW frequency to compensate for MW being off the air, presumably installing new transmitter.

9565 is not exactly open before 1700, with Russia, Albania and Philippines/IBB scheduled each hour from 14 to 17, but no QRM noted here.

9565 still DCJC-free at 1508 check with news about Kyrgyzstan, and at this moment the other three were all atop jamming (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA [and non]. 9490, a few minutes before 2300 April 7 had DentroCuban jamming noise already running, but at 2300 check, R. República via RMI via Sackville had cut on, atop the jamming (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. 6104.8, April 8 at 0657, Latin music with heavy beat, some distortion, ``Ésta es la más grande`` slogan of XEQM, good on peaks but a few minutes later absent as in typical behaviour of this yucateca (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. 6185, dozed off to great XEPPM music, April 8 and roused enough at 0810 to notice that there was still no ZY QRM (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PERU. 9720.0, April 8 at 0648 after hearing Brasil on 9819.9, detected immediate mention of Iglesia Pentecostal Dios es Amor, i.e. in Spanish, and shortly the intonations of wacky wailer David Miranda. Therefore this is R. Victoria, Lima, separable from somewhat stronger but not overpowering WYFR 9715. Frequency confirmed as not offset by comparing to WGN 720, tuning the MHz dial only on the FRG-7 with BFO on. Brazil, q.v. was also in on 9819.9 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** RUSSIA. Straining to hear V. of Russia on its new frequency for North America in English, 9890 on its alleged second day in use, April 7: first check at 2145, seems a carrier but not to start until 2200. At 2200, just barely audible, and no adjacent interference yet. 2300 still JBA, can`t even recognize ID or IS, theme, and now the ACI starts, i.e. 9885 with VOA Spanish initially over the DentroCuban Jamming Command.

VOR is still useless. This is supposed to be 500 kW from ``Armavir`` aimed right at us, 315 degrees. Wolfgang Büschel in Germany confirms it`s on the air, but sounds more like 20 kW to him. Of course, we are still recovering from the G3 geomagnetic storm of a couple days ago, so things ought to improve in next few days, but deliberately or negligently transmitting 5 kHz from any North American SW frequency is self-defeating nonsense (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** RUSSIA. 5920, R. Rossii, Pet/Kam, already audible at 0708 April 8, immediately recognizable in Russian with motorboating self-QRM. More than an hour before local sunset at 0811 UT per
whence you can easily find SR/SS and other ephemeral data for anywhere, but be very careful in converting from local times as shown --- Pet/Kam is in the UT +11 zone, but DST in effect, so subtracted 12 hours for UT (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SINGAPORE. 9740, BBCWS English April 8 at 1433 was stuck in a loop of two syllables over and over in a YL(?) voice, sounds like ``pucky pucky``, or something similar. Ain`t The Digital Age wunnerful? This continued unrelenting until 1442 when finally resumed a great variety of syllables put together in an order such that a programme about severe loss due to weather of Mongolian livestock such as sheep could make rational sense. RCI also had an anomaly on 31m at this time; see CANADA (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [and non]. VOA Spanish check April 7 opening at 2300: 9885 with DentroCuban jamming, but VOA atop, blocking 9890 RUSSIA, q.v. New // 11970 had jamming only, possibly VOA late coming up as often happens. // 5890 with jamming atop VOA.

7550 with open carrier at 1357 April 8; 1358 VOA YDD sign-on, 1400 a montage of enthusiastic voices introducing VOA Direct Connexion, then with rap. Have not noticed this on SW before, something from their Music Mix network, no doubt.

7540 at 1403 also had VOA but with News Now, // 9760, and 7540 weaker than 7550.

HFCC shows both are Tinang, PHILIPPINES, 7540 at 270 degrees M-F only, and 7550 at 200 degrees Thu-Fri-Sat only. The 7550 scheduling would have led me to believe it was the extra Indonesian service, so they put on wrong feed?

Yes, the A-Z language schedule under Indonesian does show:
1400-1500 UTC 7550 9945
but lacking color-coding, so implying it`s daily; have also heard 9945 previously, axually in Indonesian with American music hour.

17585, VOA Greenville, English to Africa scheduled 1400-1430, but April 8 at 1400 nothing heard. Probably came up late, as inbooming at next check 1427 for Today In History, 1430 cut off abruptly during Bee Gees music, and carrier off a few sex later, uncovering JBA signal, no doubt Botswana continuing same news hour, specified for exactly same CIRAF target zones, in totally unnecessary site handover during one continuous hour of programming (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 15550-USB, while looking for Scott McLean`s unfound unID on 11570, also punched up this frequency and found WJHR on the air again with perpetual preacher, poor signal at 2145 April 7 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 17920 and 17630 with spurblobs April 8 at 1510 accompanying KVOH 17775 at S9+22 on fundamental shortly after sign-on, with Spanish gospel music. No modulation matchable, but their appearances correlate nicely with 17775 appearances, and the upper one always stronger (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###