lunedì 8 marzo 2010

FRS Repeat next Sunday

Dear FRS Friends,

Sunday Febryuary March 7th
Following last week's 7600//5800 broadcast,
FRS-Holland will again take to the airwaves next Sunday March 7th.
It will be a full repeat lasting fromt 10.52-15.05 UTC/ 11.52- 16.05 CET. Freqs will be 7600//9300 kHz .
We are very interested in reports for both freqs!

FRS 30 years
2010 is a very special year for all at FRSH: 30 years on the air!  We will be celebrating this later in 2010, presumably in October. It is our wish to receive as many personal memories as possible (especially) from dedicated FRS listeners! Most personal is when you record a 1- 2 minute recording (English or German) with your very own memories: When did you hear us for the first time, what was (is) your favourite show, when did you get your first QSL, how much did you listen to FRS, any special on air moments you remember? All this info will be part of your personal FRS contribution.  Any serious contribution will be rewarded later this year. That is a promise! All listener's contributions will be collected and together it will be our anthology of 30 years of SW broadcasts along with our very own memories. Btw: if you cannot record a message, please put your contribution on paper (POBox 2702) or send us a mail . It sounds a bit weird but w'd like to receive your contribution as soon as possible. There's a lot to prepare and having contributions at an early stage really helps. we count on mp3 would be easy, isn't it?

73s, Peter V. (on behalf of the FRS staff)

a Balance between Music & Information joint to one Format....

POBox 2702
6049 ZG Herten
The Netherlands