lunedì 4 gennaio 2010

WDX6AA Shortwave Logs

ASCENSION ISLAND BBCWS Relay 12095 2248 English 333 Jan 3 Two YLs in a conversation. BBCWS ID by a YL 2250. OM with comments 2253 and suddenly off the air 2259. Mackenzie-CA.

AUSTRALIA Radio Australia via Shepparton 15560 2220 English 444 Jan 2 A YL interviewing people on their flying destination during 2010. //15515[333]Shepparton and 15230[333]Shepparton. MacKenzie-CA.

AUSTRALIA Radio Australia-Shepparton 13630 2238 English 333 Jan 3 OM with comments in a low voice on the very rich people in the USA. //15515[333]Shep, 15560[444]Shep, 15230[333]Shep.

CHINA CPBS 11750 2327 Chinese 333 Jan 3 YL and OM with comments.

COSTA RICA Radio Exterior Espana Relay-REE 17850 2213 Spanish 333 Jan 2 YL and OM with comments at a sports event. //15125[333] Costa Rica.

MALI China Radio Intl Relay-CRI 11975 2306 Chinese 333 Jan 3 YL and OM with comments. //9555[333].

PHILIPPINES VOA Relay 11805 2320 Indonesian 433 Jan 3 YL and OM with comments. VOA ID by an OM 2321. //15205[333] and 9620[232].

THAILAND BBCWS Relay 11955 2313 English 333 Jan 3 OM with BBCWS ID 2314. OM with comments on the Yellow River as a source for drinking water in China.

I am back for 2010! Good Listening and DXing all year long.

Stewart MacKenzie, WDX6AA
Huntington Beach, California, USA
Rcvrs: Kenwood R5000 and Grundig Satellit 650
"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Come Alive"