sabato 5 dicembre 2009

Shortwave Radio Logs from WDX6AA

BRAZIL Radio Nacional da Amazonie 11780 2328 Portuguese 444 Nov 4 Group vocal music. OM at 2330. Then more vocal music by an OM. Then two OMs in a conversation 2334.

CANADA China Radio Intl-CRI Relay 11885 2315 English 333 Nov 4 OM with a Questions program. Also a YL with comments about China.

CHINA CPBS 11710 2336 Chinese 333 Nov 4 Two OMs with comments. //9875[333], 9845[333] and 9830[333].

JAPAN Radio Japan-NHK 11665 2340 Japanese 333 Nov 4 YLs and OMs in a happy conversation session.

KOREA, South KBS World 9805 2355 Korean 333 Nov 4 YL with comments and suddenly off the air 0000GMT.

PHILIPPINES VOA Relay 11805 2318 Indonesian 433 Nov 4 YL with comments and VOA ID 2318. OM with comments 2320.

SAIPAN Radio Free Asia-RFA 11785 2325 Chinese Nov 4 YL vocal music and being Jammed by China with choir music.

TAIWAN Radio Free Asia-RFA 11605 2345 Vietnamese 433 Nov 4 YL and OM with comments.

All times are in GMT/UTC.
Stewart MacKenzie, WDX6AA
Huntington Beach, California, USA
"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Come Alive"