sabato 7 novembre 2009

Richard Bianchino Logs Nov 2-6, 2009

Monday 02.11.09

7240 R. AUSTRALIA at 1504 English, OM ancr reporting Nx. Then YL w/ "Asia Pacific" prgm. F-G signal.

Tuesday 03.11.09

9535 R. JAPAN at 1600 Japanese, OM ancr. G signal. 544 // 9835 F-G signal. 444
7240 R. AUSTRALIA at 1604 English, OM ancr. P signal buried in QRM and QRN.
11545 V. OF KOREA (DPR) at 1611 English, YL with Yeou News. P signal w/ QRM fm 11550. // 9990 VP signal, hardly audible.
12050 EWTN (WEWN, USA) at 1623 Spanish, OM playing Christian music. G signal. // 11550 F signal.
11710 V. OF KOREA (DPR) at 1643 French, OM with rel programming. G signal.
13740 R. NETHERLANDS (via Madagascar) at 1653-1657* Dutch, OM ancr. F signal.
9570 CHINA RADIO INT at 1702 English, YL reporting Nx. VP signal.
11935 R. CANADA INT at 1715 Russian, OMs speaking. P-F signal.

Wednesday 04.11.09

15560 R. AUSTRALIA at 2229 English, YL and OM ancrs with Nx. F signal w/ QRN.
15610 EWTN (WEWN, USA) at 2233 E nglish, OM ancr. Discussion of the rel faith of Oscar Wilde. F signal w/ QRN.
13650 R. JAPAN at 2241 Chinese, OM and YL ancrs and music. F signal w/ echo.
13700 CHINA RADIO INT at 2247 Spanish, OM and YL ancrs. Hrd language lesson. F signal.
9895 R. NETHERLANDS (via Rwanda) at 2250 Arabic, YL ancr giving sta address. Then Arab music was hrd. G signal.
17605 R. JAPAN (via Neth. Antilles) at 2255 Spanish, OM ancr. P signal.
9625 CBC RADIO NORD QUEBEC (Canada) at 2256 English, YL ancr speaking to someone fm the Housing Corporation. P signal.
12025 DEUTSCHE WELLE GERMANY (via Rwanda) at 2301 German, YL ancr. G signal.
11805 V. OF AMERICA (via Philippines) at 2303 Indonesian, OM repoting the Nx. F signal.
11885 R. TAIWAN INT (via USA) at 2305 Spanish, YL ancr with the Nx. F signal.
11665 R. JAPAN (via Taiwan) at 2309 Japanese, OM and YL ancrs. F-G signal.
11970 CHINA RADIO INT (via Sackville) at 2326 English, OM ancr. Talk about Taiwan's Disneyland. G-VG sig nal.
9765 CHINA RADIO INT at 2331 Cambodian, OM and YL ancrs. Hrd music selection. F signal.
9620 R. EXTERIOR DE ESPANA at 2334 Spanish, OM ancr. P signal w/ QRN.
9640 R. CANADA INT at 2336 Spanish, YL ancr. P signal w/ QRN and QRM.
11605 R.FREE ASIA (via Taiwan) at 2348 Vietnamese, OM ancr. P signal w/ QRN.
11780 R. NACIONAL DA AMAZONIA (Brazil) at 2352 Portuguese, OM ancr on vocal steroids screaming soccer game (or special event) commentary. 'Ecuador' was mentioned, so I believe it was the World Cup Qualification game between Brazil and Ecuador. G signal.

Kaito KA1103, 32' longwire antenna, indoor.

Balcony Listening Post

Friday 06.11.09

7255 V. OF NIGERIA at 2231 Hausa, OM ancr. F signal w/ QRN.
9895 R. NETHERLANDS (via Rwanda) at 2254 Arabic, OM and YL ancrs. G signal.
11665 R. JAPAN at 2300 Japanese, OM ancr. F-G signal.
12025 DEUTSCHE WELLE GERMANY (via Rwanda) at 2304 German, OM ancr mit den Nx. F signal w/ QRN.
11780 R. NACIONAL DA AMAZONIA (Brazil) at 2309 Portuguese, OM ancr. Indigenous pop music was being played. F-G signal.
11885 R. TAIWAN INT (via USA) at 2321 Spanish, YL ancr. P-F signal.
15720 R. NEW ZEALAND INT at 2326 English, OM ancr. Topic discussed was honey bees (and other insects) pollination. At 2330 hrd "Nasty Dan" by Johnny Cash. F-G signal w/ QRN.
17795 R. AUSTRALIA at 2334 English, OMs talking sports to incl World Cup Qualifiers news. // 15560 both F-G signal w/ QRN.
15250 R. NACIONAL DE VENEZUELA (via Cuba) at 2346 Spanish, OM ancr giving sta target areas and freqs. P signal due to noise spurs.

Richard Bianchino, Las Vegas, NV USA. Kaito KA1103, 15' wind-up antenna.

Before the world wide web there was World Band Radio.