domenica 1 novembre 2009

Glenn Hauser logs November 1, 2009

** CHINA. Firedrake Nov 1 at 1419: good on 10210, poor on 9000, null on 8400

** CHINA [non]. 13670 with news in French at 1402 Nov 1, with severe QRM
from CRI English via Canada on 13675. Strangely, the news in French was all
chinoiserie too: yes, it`s CRI via Albania, 240 degrees to W Africa, ChiComs
vs ChiComs! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also EAST TURKISTAN

** EAST TURKISTAN. 9460 in English, Nov 1 at 1421, sounds like CRI style:
yes, // Canadian relay 15230 but a few sex behind it. 9460 suffers from AIR
blobhash (see INDIA), and also has a wavering het on it. All this QRM serves
the jamming SOBs from China right, and we can only hope it is even more
bothersome in their zone-41 target area, i.e. S Asia, on this 212 degree aim
from Urumqi site, now under control of ChiCom imperialism (Glenn Hauser, OK,

** CUBA [and non]. DCJC jamming against nothing (except innocent victim R.
Tirana), on 6110, Nov 1 at 0000-0100, then jamming level quickly fades
audiblizing Albania for the final semihour of its Albanian broadcast to NAm.

9810, checking for R. República vs jamming: Nov 1 at 0030, RR was axually
atop the jamming, less so around 0100, and just jamming heard at 0130. The
jamming was still audible at 0355, so that may mean RR is on too until 0400.
See also U S A for R. Martí/VOA mixup

RHC 15360 still on at 1502 Nov 1, but just as I intuned, modulation cut, and
open carrier for a bit until off, ditto 15120. Then tuned to 11760 to
reconfirm Esperanto scheduled Sundays only at 1500 --- no, it is still in
Spanish, but 1504 cut into Esperanto opening giving usual sked of a
semi-dozen transmissions contrary to the imaginary RHC website sked. By
really being on the 11760 transmitter, Esperanto also gets the bonus of 24
spurs, altho none were announced! These were radiating as usual at earlier
1346 check, in the 11.2-12.3 MHz range, but did not take time to measure
them yet again.

At 1505 as expected nothing showing on the listed Aló, Presidente channels
13750 or 12010. Still nothing at 1730 on 17750, 13750, 13680, 12010. Regular
RHC was going on 13760, 11800 distorted, 11760+spurs, 11690, presumably also
on inaudible 6000, 5965 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CYPRUS. OTH radar pulses, presumed from here, Nov 1 at 1343 upon one of
its favorite haunts spanning 16 MHz, i.e. approx. 15990-16015 kHz, where it
can do no harm against broadcasters --- Unlike some stronger pulsing of same
type 13637-13662 at 1413, bad for the gospel station on 13645; see U S A
[non]. If still on at 1530-1600 will also degrade R. Tirana 13640 Mon-Sat in
English to NAm (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDIA. AIR Aligarh blob has *not* been fixed, as supposedly promised for
the B-09. A week into season on Nov 1 at 1326 we find its extreme wideband
distortion centered about 9465 and extending 9455-9470, so at least not
bothering Australia today on 9475; but instead CRI on 9460 later; see EAST

** INDONESIA. VOI English missing from both 9524.9 and 9525.9 at 1326
November 1, as occasionally happens. Hope this does not mean they have
switched unpredictably to another of their always-announced frequencies,
11785, since that has the usual blockage; see LAOS [non]. No VOI heard
either during the 1400 hour in Malay (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** LAOS [non]. Checking Sunday Nov 1 for Hmong Lao Radio, via WHRI, expected
to be one hour later now to stay at the same Central Time in Hminnesota:
11785 already on at 1333 with gospel music. At 1400, HLR indeed starting, so
that should also apply to Saturdays now: 14-15 Sat & Sun (Glenn Hauser, OK,

** NEW ZEALAND. 6170, RNZI at 1318 Nov 1, with het presumably from DZRM on
6170.4 which had not been audible for several days. Could not hear any
Chlash from Khabarovsk, so not sure if that is still on 6170, or just too
far north to propagate today (however, Pet/Kam motorboat was audible on 6075
tho underneath Thailand, BBC Indonesian, during this semihour).

As I tuned in, RNZI had interesting report about how the ``New Methodists``
were favored by the police force, supposedly helping reduce crime rate, at
the expense of the out-of-favor (old) Methodists, thus an unfortunate
church/state problem; trouble is, the island concerned was never mentioned
even as the item wrapped up; Tonga?? It`s one of the Maori-titled shows tho
presented in NZEnglish, and on to next topic, the Marshall Islands
parliament (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SOUTH CAROLINA [non]. In October, Brother Scare was appearing again on
WWCR-2 13845 part-time, after the transition from Pastor Scott at 1400. Now
with standard time the switch is apparently at 1500, as at 1401 Nov 1 I was
still hearing PMS // Anguilla 11775, but at 1507 it was BS on 13845. Need to
monitor WWCR`s announcement just before 1500 to see if the times are still
wrong. But the new Nov 1 WWCR program schedule finally shows B.S. at
1500-1900 daily on #2, all other times Dr Gene Scott (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX

** SPAIN [and non]. I was listening to RHC`s En Contacto DX program on
15360, Sunday Nov 1 at 1346 as they coincidentally mentioned Antonio
Buitrago and their counterpart on REE, Amigos de la Onda Corta, which
reminded me that Sunday 1330 is the new time for the latter, and immediately
found it running on 15170 via CR, a phrase ahead on 17595 direct; and
furthermore on 15125 via CR, too close to bigger signal from RHC again, on
15120! Too bad those two DX programs now conflict not only in frequency but
in time! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SUDAN [non]. 15650, Nov 1 at 1501 found heavy clash with subaudible het
between Greece and Miraya FM via IRRS Milan via IPAR Slovakia; one of them
had a timesignal 74 seconds late, and I`m sure it wasn`t Greece (Glenn

** U S A [and non]. 11710, Nov 1 at 0525 something in African language,
bothered by RHC spur circa 11708 --- fundamental 11760 not very strong at
this hour, but enough to carry with it at least the closer spurs circa 52
kHz away. 0530 VOA sign-off. It`s Hausa via Botswana daily at 0500-0530.

On the first day of standard time, one expects some SNAFUs at VOA, which
would never happen if it operated strictly on the worldwide standard of UT,
regardless of local clock changes.

The morning VOA Spanish service has been running an hour later when
Wáshington is off DST, even tho that is irrelevant for Latin América. So at
1325 Nov 1 I find that 9885 is still on the air in Spanish, with PSA about
US immigration policy, promos for several programs including `` Las Noticias
Como Son`` [is that a play on words, alluding to singing the news?] --- wait
a minute! Those are Radio Martí shows, not VOA, and sure enough, this
frequency is carrying RM instead of usual VOA.

The feeds are mixed up, a sure way to encourage even more unjustified
jamming against VOA! However, the DentroCubans had not caught this one yet.
Radio Martí IDs around 1330 and shortly into their show. At
1332 check, 9885 was // real Martí frequency 13820. At 1359 the RM QSY
announcement ``en algunos minutos`` barely got out ``11930`` before it was
cut off and then to Voice of America sign-off in English, something which is
never supposed to happen on RM channels.

The letter-by-letter VOA language schedule still shows on Nov 1:
1130-1200 UTC 9885 13715 15590
1200-1300 UTC 9885 13715 15590
2300-0000 UTC 5890 5940 9885

So I check the other two morning frequencies which were supposed to quit at
1300: 13715 is also still on, really carrying VOA Spanish, and at 1329 there
is a VOA sign-off announcement in English. But it keeps right on going,
``Music Country`` with songs in English, presented in Spanish. Both it and
// 15590 still going at 1343-1344, presumably really closing at 1400. So
does the morning show really start at 1230 now? We won`t be surprised if the
evening broadcast also shifts to 0000-0100, yanking listeners around who
have no use for DST (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. The past two Saturday nights (early UT Suns) WWCR was caught on
4755 instead of 3215 at various times between 0300 and 0600, but on Nov 1
stayed on 3215 at 0400 for IRN/USA network `news`, and a few other chex
until 0600.

WWCR has put up their new frequency schedule as of November 1, and we are
pleased to see that unlike the last few winters, WWCR-1 is switching from
15825 to 7465 at 2100 UT instead of 2200, which means the Friday airing of
WORLD OF RADIO, now one UT hour later at 2130v, will once again be on 7465,
with much better coverage of North America and beyond.

Another novelty is new 3230 at 2300-0200, since WWRB beat them to 3215 at
2100-0200 and WWCR did not want to stay on 7465 past 2300 in the B-season.
Here`s the full sked in CST and UT at

WWCR B09 Schedule November 1, 2009 to March 7,2010

Transmitter #1 - 100 KW - 46 Degrees
12:00 AM-04:00 AM 0600-1000 3.215 MHz
04:00 AM-06:00 AM 1000-1200 9.985 MHz
06:00 AM-03:00 PM 1200-2100 15.825 MHz
03:00 PM-05:00 PM 2100-2300 7.465 MHz
05:00 PM-08:00 PM 2300-0200 3.230 MHz
08:00 PM-12:00 AM 0200-0600 3.215 MHz

Transmitter #2 - 100 KW - 85 Degrees
12:00 AM-07:00 AM 0600-1300 5.935 MHz
07:00 AM-07:00 PM 1300-0100 13.845 MHz
07:00 PM-12:00 AM 0100-0600 5.935 MHz

Transmitter #3 - 100 KW - 40 Degrees
12:00 AM-06:00 AM 0600-1200 5.070 MHz
06:00 AM-11:00 AM 1200-1700 7.490 MHz
11:00 AM-05:00 PM 1700-2300 12.160 MHz
05:00 PM-12:00 AM 2300-0600 5.070 MHz

Transmitter #4 - 100 KW - 90 Degrees
12:00 AM-06:00 AM 0600-1200 5.890 MHz
06:00 AM-08:00 PM 1200-0200 9.980 MHz
08:00 PM-12:00 AM 0200-0600 5.890 MHz

WWCR`s program schedule has also been updated promptly as of Nov 1, not
accessible in text, but pdf:

** U S A. On several chex starting at 0000 UT Nov 1, nothing audible on
9955, no WRMI, no jamming, and was wondering if they were on, or did the MUF
just drop out? But at 0532, WRMI had fair signal, no jamming audible, in
Jeff White`s filler of eclectic world music. Wire Light (so-called Cheetah
Radio) was supposed to run on the NW antenna at 0200-0400 UT while DST was
still in effect. Perhaps the music fill was just to occupy the extra hour
being gained by clock change, which officially did not happen in the ET zone
until 0600 UT, 2 am EDT becoming 1 am EST. Afterwards, R. Praga relay is
supposed to occupy 0530-0600 UT daily (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING

** U S A [non]. 13645, Nov 1 1412, preacher in American with Boston address,
heavy OTH radar QRM, hymn, prayer, then introducing Pastor Rockwood on the
Book of Ruth. 13645 at 1400-1445 is on the MB/DTK schedule as carrying
brokered shows from Panamerican Broadcasting in Cupertino CA, 85 degrees via
Nauen, GERMANY and doubling power from 125 to 250 kW for whatever follows
Sundays only at 1430 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [non]. 17610, Nov 1 at 1449 with HOA music, seemingly secular, and
so repetitive it could be a loop, but is it obviously Adventist if you are
Afar? What does PWBR `2009` say? AWR via Austria to E Africa --- and it is
still correct per B-09 skeds, 1430-1500 daily! 1452 segué to similar music
but different rhythm and key, 1455 announcement and off before 1459 (Glenn