sabato 3 ottobre 2009

VoA R. Deewa 7495 via SRI LANKA

Steven C. Wiseblood
Brownsville TX
(2 miles from Boca Chica Beach,GULF of MEXICO)
Radio Shack DX-399
150' center fed LW
times in UTC (z)

3 OCT 2009
7495 USA  (non) VoA R. Deewa via Iranawila, SRI LANKA; M&W in Pashto 1712z, taking calls from listeners and the dj's were asking the  listeners to sing the song they just played (maybe for a prize or possibly for 3 days of R&R in Kabul?). The music sounded subcontinental and some music sounded more Middle-eastern/Persian. 2 Men and 1 Woman at 1755 talking in Pashto, then abrupt s/off 1758* no NA (and I was looking forward to hearing old reliable the Yankee Doodle IS).
Fair mid-day reception, a bit after high-noon.  (Wiseblood-TEXAS 10/03/2009)