lunedì 2 marzo 2009

Glenn Hauser logs March 2, 2009

** INDIA. The AIR National Channel on 9425 surprises us with more English than expected, at least per Aoki listings, 500 kW, 18 degrees from Bangaluru, which shows 5 minutes of English [news] at 1430 and 1530, otherwise in Hindi at 1435-1530, 1535-1630, and the same pattern thru the night. (And EiBi shows 9425 entirely in Hindi.) Nevertheless, Monday March 2 at 1435 tune-in I was still hearing English, just mentioning 31 meters, so was this a special SW-only broadcast? A bit of music and at 1437 discussion between YL host and an OM about fossil fuel vs renewable energy; still going at 1445 and concluding at 1456 as having been some minister talking about global warming. 1457 the YL host says something about exams, so maybe this is an `educational` programme for credit? Music fill to 1500, Hindi announcement mentioning kHz and meter, traditional string and drum music; 1515 talk in Hindi, 1539 recheck back in English, this time about energy.

At first I suspected there could be a feed mixup again at Bangaluru putting the AIR GOS in English on 9425 instead of 9690, but unseems, as that finishes at 1500; 9690 had a weak unreadable signal. Meanwhile, VBS was normal on 9870, mostly pop music (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA [non]. Altho Fri Feb 27 at 1400 I confirmed VOI on reactivated 11785.0 going from English to Malay, and totally blocked Sat and Sun by WHRI, when I check 11785 on Monday March 2 at 1430 I hear nothing but Mandarin Chinese on the frequency! Interesting show mentioning Taiwan and playing music ranging from solo to choral to American-Indian-sounding with drumming at 1445; a lot of flutter, and off abruptly at 1457* with no ID heard. But this is certainly not VOI! Not in Aoki or EiBi, but in HFCC we find CRI scheduled during this hour via Kashi, 308 degrees to Europe in Chinese. Meanwhile, no sign of VOI on 9525 or 9526 either, and did not check the third remote possibility, 15150. What next? Would others please monitor what frequency if any VOI is using for English at 1000 and 1300 and the intervening hours (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KOREA NORTH [non]. 9690 with fair-good signal in Korean, March 2 at 1508; what`s this? Eibi: ``9690 1500-1530 CLA Nippon no Kaze K KRE /AUS-d`` so it`s via Darwin (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KUWAIT [and non]. 13620-13645, Over-the-horizon radar pulses, presumed, this time strong enough to cause a lot of interference to Kuwait in Arabic on 13620, March 2 at 1511. Eibi shows a break in Kuwait`s transmission between 1305 and 1515, but Aoki shows the break 1310-1505, with the earlier transmission in DRM anyway. WRTH disagrees, not DRM and break 1315-1505. HFCC has the break at 1400-1615 with DRM until 1400. PWBR shows 1315(?)-1600 with no such details. Nobody agrees on exactly what is going on here (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SAUDI ARABIA. 15435, Sawt ul-Buzz, March 2 at 1513, big signal, terrible frying sound overriding Qur`an. This Riyadh transmitter is getting worse and worse. Erik Køie in Denmark was hearing the same problem earlier at 1010 on 17805. How can the engineers there be unaware of it? A total waste of 500 kW and an insult to the deity (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 13620-13645, Over-the-horizon radar pulses, presumed, this time strong enough to cause a lot of interference to Kuwait in Arabic on 13620, March 2 at 1511. See KUWAIT (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###