sabato 10 gennaio 2009

Special offer from Medium Wave Circle

Calling all Medium Wave listeners, DXers & enthusiasts

For 55 years the Medium Wave Circle has served Medium Wave listeners, DXers & enthusiasts and now we want to make you the best ever membership offer.

Right now is the season for receiving long distance Medium Wave broadcast and utility signals. And we are in the sunspot minimum which is making long distance MW reception better than it has been for many, many years.

So there is no better time than now to put on your listening ears and turn the dials. And of course join the premier club for radio enthusiasts interested in the medium waves, the Medium Wave Circle.

As a member, you will receive Medium Wave News regularly and you will have use of the MWC e-news service. You will also be entitled to discounts each year on the World Radio TV Handbook and Passport to Worldband Radio and you can be among the first to receive these prestigious books.

In fact things are even better since right now the Circle has a special membership offer that will save you money.

To find out more about the Medium Wave Circle please visit where you can find out more about the club and the benefits of membership.

To see a recent copy of Medium Wave News just click here:

Come join the Circle and make the most of your hobby

Steve Whitt

Editor Medium Wave News

P.S. If you are already a member you can extend your membership at the special new rates saving money

P.P.S. Europe includes the EU, Scandinavia, all of Eastern Europe, Russia, Ukraine, Baltic countries, and Turkey.