domenica 21 giugno 2020

Glenn Hauser logs June 20-21, 2020 [more]

** CUBA. 6088-6112, June 21 at 0553, RHC English is undermodulated on fundamental 6100, yet splashing out to this range, worst peaks around 6091 & 6109. Like sitting on an ice cream cone at Parque Coppelia. 6145 is also undermod. At 0554, 6000 is S9 of dead air, or trace of JB modulation?  At 0551, 5040 still on in wrong language, Spanish. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** CUBA. 11760, Sunday June 21 at 1503, RHC weekly Esperanto is starting, // distorted 15140, via SDR in Maine; also checking whether 15230 still on as it was just before 1500: no. Clueless announcer still utters wrong sked for own service: Sunday 0800 on 6100, 1600 on 11760 (only), 2230 on 15730. The first one is at 0700 UT during the 8 months of Yanquigusano-imposed DST; you never know which of the 6 MHz channels will stay on past 0700 for it, if any: last week June 14 it was 6145 per Wolfgang Bueschel. Third one may be correct, not confirmed lately (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** NIGERIA [and non]. 9689.9v, June 20 at 0603, VON again here instead of 7254.9v, S9/+10; so the ham QSO on 7253-LSB has no worries, between N0KBX in CO and K4NGW? in Oregon: N0KBX USA flag USA, Thomas Bullock, Wellington, CO 80549 but the other call does not check out. June 21 at 0600, VON not to be heard on either (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 28271-, CW, June 21 at 1748, only beacon JB audible is slightly below 28271, I think N1KO/B --- not on WJ5O beacon roster. But ``N1KO USA flag USA Primary only for: N1KO/B, ADAM J M KERN, Annapolis, MD 21401``

There is one similar beacon supposed to be slightly higher: ``28.2723 N1KON C CENTERVILLE, INDIANA # 5W, VERTICAL testing 1 January 2010``

At 1752, only phone on 10m is a QSO on 28389.80-USB, a W9 with K4LJD (?) but does not sound like a YL listed.

Of course am looking for clues of sporadic E MUF into the FM band; way above 100 MHz earlier on the east coast; now at 1924 it`s 120 MHz over EM12 TX/OK border area but too close to be useful here; maybe later. Meanwhile thanks to us, there is FM DX between Iowa and Tamaulipas (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 2039 monitoring; next:

0130 UT Monday    WRMI 7780 to NE
0230 UT Monday    WRMI 7780 to NE
0300vUT Monday    WBCQ 5130v Area 51 or 6160v to WSW
0330 UT Monday    WRMI 9955 [jammed?] to SSE
0900 UT Monday    Unique Radio NSW 3210-USB
1800vUT Monday    IRRS 7290 Bulgaria to WNW, 594-Italy
0100 UT Tuesday   WRMI 7780 to NE
2100 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW
0100 UT Thursday  WRMI 7780 to NE

Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts:

Thanks this week for financial support from Ron Howard, Monterey CA, who sent a generous contribution in memory of Brian Alexander, by check in US funds on a US bank to Glenn Hauser, P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702

One may also contribute via PayPal to woradio at PayPal not necessarily in US funds as they will convert. (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 1310, June 21 at 1116 UT, weather forecast in English from KCIG(??). Closest fuzzy call, also geographically, is KZIP Amarillo TX; trouble is, listed everywhere as Spanish - regional Mexican; have they flipped or just do wx in English anyway?

This corporate site adds many other stations, both Spanish and English, but no further linx, no website of its own:

Various streaming services will not connect to KZIP, but one shows it as a Farm station (in English), probably long outdated; or updated? including an off-air clip of English ID (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

This report dispatched at 1932 UT June 21