venerdì 30 novembre 2018

eQSL from Radio Tawantinsuyo OAX7C in Cusco

Interesting eQSL from Carlos Gamarra ( ) on behalf of the station staff at Radio Tawantinsuyo OAX7C 6,173.4 KHz (presumably, as far as I can tell from this Google Translation):

“Estimado Bruce.estamos gestionando su carta QSL de Radio Twantinsuyo -Cusco PERU...adelantamos que su informe de recepción es correcto y se tendrá que validar su sintonía por SW. pronto tendrá novedades al respecto. La Gerencia de R.TAWANTINSUYO ADELANTA QUE EL REPORTAJE DE RECEPCIN CORRESPONDE A LAS EMISIONES DE R. TAWANTINSUYO. CORDIALES DZ Y MUCHOS 73.”

“Dear Bruce, we are managing your QSL letter from Radio Twantinsuyo -Cusco PERU ... we anticipate that your reception report is correct and you will have to validate your tuning by SW. Soon you will have news about it. The Management of R.TAWANTINSUYO ADVANCES THAT THE RECEPTION REPORT CORRESPONDS TO THE EMISSIONS OF R. TAWANTINSUYO. CORDIALES DZ AND MANY 73.

For reception on 10/14/2017 at 0016 UTC from remote rcvr in Edmonton (Don Moman). Did not expect to hear from any Peruvians so this was a pleasant surprise! I had sent both an e-mail report to the above address and a snail mail report on 10/20/17 w/QSL card and mint stamps to Carlos Gamarra Moscoso, Avenida Garcilazo 411, Wanchac, Cusco Region, Peru. The translation would appear to indicate some other QSL was enroute but I’ll be quite happy with this! I believe Carlos was listed as the QSL Manager for the station.

(Bruce via wor io group)