mercoledì 18 ottobre 2017

Spain: RNE new regional/local schedule

RNE: New REG / LOCAL schedule from 04 Sept 2017

Mo-Fr: UT Summer (+1hr in winter)
R1-R5  05'45-06'00 R
R5     06'30-07'00 L/R(*)
R5     10'25-10'30 R
R1-R5  11'10-12'00 R
R5-R1  13'04-13'08 R
R1-R5  17'10-17'30 R

(*) Every region will decide what to do with this time.
In Castilla y Leon will be local 06'30-06'50 and regional 06'50-0'700.
In Extremadura all will be regional.

R5     07'05-07'15
R1-R5  11'30-12'00

(Mauricio Molano, Salamanca-ESP, MWCircle yg via dxld Oct 10)