mercoledì 5 ottobre 2016

Glenn Hauser logs October 3-4, 2016

** ALBANIA [and non]. 9855, Oct 4 at 0123, no signal from R. Tirana, but may not be on yet: Very poor sigs from Turkey 9770 & 9870, Egypt 9965 & 9315, while 9570-other Albania is better. 0130 recheck, now 9855- achieves a JBA carrier, plenty little to save us from hearing the humroar (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** AUSTRALIA. 17840, Oct 4 at 0158, RA YL outroing a program by playing some favourite classical music of a guest, ``back at midday tomorrow``, fair at S4, not as good as usual here. Since Oz went on DST October 2 already, we expected programming on RA to shift one UT hour earlier, as if that caused anything but confusion abroad, since most of it comes from ABC domestic networks which in the most important part of the country, NSW, have had to switch to summer time scheduling. 

Going to the RA website > radio > schedules, the display defaults to ``London time`` since my computer is on UT (which is NOT London time for another month!) I always have to ``change timezone`` by going to the very bottom of the drop-down, where UTC finally appears, as if it were the least rather than the most important! Here`s what we seek:

But it shows at 01-02 UT Tuesday Oct 4 was `Daily Planet` with an episode on The Word – Soul Food, certainly not what I was hearing, and Lucky Oceans, pseudonymous host is not a YL unless he had a sub today. 

I wonder if was really `The World Today` with Eleanor Hall as supposedly starting after 02 UT; but final segment for Oct 4 as logged at
would not entail classical music, either.

Anyhow, based on previous experience, during our prime morning listening hours on 9580, the weekday lineup SHOULD now be, but not yet confirmed by monitoring:

11-12 `The World` (ABC TV news magazine soundtrack), ex 12-13
12-13 `Late Night Live` with Phillip Adams, excellent talkshow Mon-Thu
13-14 `Conversations with Richard Fidler`, also excellent talkshow

** MADAGASCAR [and non]. 17640, Oct 4 at 1830 check, still NO signal from MWV in English; nor 6190 in Spanish before 0200. How long has it been since anyone has heard any of their scheduled broadcasts?

As expected, not a word about the current breakdown situation at
which is nothing but general hype, dated third quarter, 2016. Well, it`s time for a fourth-quarter update which will likely continue to pretend operations are normal. What financial supporters don`t know won`t keep them from flowing. Wouldn`t prayer vigils be in order?

But this page has lots of detail about KNLS programming for October, which should also be on the 00 9600 & 01 9665 MWV broadcasts if any:

** OKLAHOMA. 3740-AM, Oct 4 at 0549, I`m checking all the publicized Cuban ham frequencies involved with hurricane coverage, but hear nothing; except here as I am reminded that this is occupied by a local mixing product: 2 x 1390 (KCRC) + 1 x 960 (KGWA) = 3740 (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 7615.0-USB, UT Tue Oct 4 at 0130, strange net including Triblade 20 and Triblade 33. One asks others to move to NEE (fonetix), which is channel 15; agreed. If not, try  NEC, with Triblade 51. From previous logs we know this is Civil Air Patrol. Why all the secrecy about frequencies? It`s *civil*, after all, but aspires to be para-military. Last logged UT Friday May 13 at 0116-0120, as in DXLD 16-20 and before that in 15-48. See also UnID 7637 log below of a few minutes earlier, possibly related (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 7305, Oct 4 at 0134, surprised to hear strong steady S9+47 signal with rock music, guitar cadenza at the moment. This is the frequency where Vatican relay via Greenville starts at 0145, and is usually on, warming up, as far as 15 minutes ahead, so GB decided to make better use of it than just open carrier. Also on JBA // 7425, i.e. the usual leapfrog over 7365 R. Martí another 60 kHz higher. 0138 DJ announcement that it was someone named Beyond-Say, ``on the hits, VOA-One``. 0144 cut to dead air and I`m expecting VR IS, but none of that until 0145.5 join VR opening in Spanish, violating Separation of Church & State. Wonder if this is a new programming policy or just a fluke/whim of GB operator?

7405, Oct 4 at 0555, S9+30 signal with rock music --- yes, another VOA frequency, for R. Martí but not at this hour, only at 12-14 UT, while RM continues as usual on 7365. Just before 0600, Larry London on VOA One introduces a News Update at 0600 (including some flubs with the axualities overlapping anchor), 0605 back to VOA One. So what`s going on at Greenville, new transmissions or tests? Standard denunciation that as for music, beyond African, VOA provides nothing but rock for the world abroad, no jazz, no standards, godforbid one note of classical (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1845 monitoring: confirmed Mon Oct 3 at 2330 on WBCQ 9330.112-CUSB. Also confirmed Tue Oct 4 at 2130 on WRMI 15770, good. Next:
Tue 2330   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Wed 1315.5 WRMI 9955 to SSE
Wed 2100   WBCQ 7490v to WSW
Wed 2330   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW

** U S A. 11580, Tue Oct 4 at 2000, this WRMI still heard switching from The Overkiller to World Music, as implied by blank spaces in the sked grid on Sun-Mon-Tue only. So the remaining known WM hours are:
0000-0100 Tue-Fri    7730 285 deg
0700-0800 Tue-Fri    7730 285 deg
1300-1330 Mon-Fri   11580  44 deg & 1315-1330 Sat
1400-1500 Mon-Fri? *11580  44 deg
2000-2100 Sun-Tue  *11580  44 deg 
* = unlisted as such on the WRMI schedules

Looking thru the non-9955 schedules as of Oct 4, we find several significant changes:

R. Ukraine International is now 7 days a week at 0200-0230 on 11580; 
Mon-Sat 1330-1400 on 11580; M-F at 2330-2400 on 11580.

R. Prague is 7 days a week at 0230-0300 on 11580, previously ????

This means that daily, Ukraine and Prague are now back-to-back at 0200-0300 on 11580, when unfortunately the signal has just about faded out here, yet is aimed toward Europe in the middle of their night.

R. Slovakia International (presumably English) is now 7 days a week at 0030-0100 on 5850 and 11580; 2100-2130 on 13695. 

Thus: WORLD OF RADIO is gone from Thu 2100 on 13695, but shifted to Thu 2130. WOR also gone from Friday 2130, now occupied by Blues Radio International.

The 20-21 block on 11580 now shows: Media Network Plus on Wed; La Rosa de Tokio on Thu; Frecuencia al Dia on Fri -2030. Probably non-World Music shows are pending for Sun-Mon-Tue (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 5072.04, Oct 4 at 0142, JBA carrier spur, just as I am expecting after hearing huge S9+50 dead air on 5085 from WTWW-2. Cannot hear a match circa 5098, however, amid utehash. 5085 is much stronger than -1 on 9475, propping out, and -3 off/inaudible on 12105 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 5044-5056, Oct 4 at 0143, at least the extent of frying noise field out of the 5050 WWRB transmitter, where it`s also heard but less so vs intentional gospel-huxter modulation. Since this is UT Tue, we`ll have to wait until UT Sunday to hear it again on the 3-day-a-week schedule. Now it`s worse than the also out-of-whack 5040 RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 

UNIDENTIFIED. 7637.00-USB, Oct 4 at 0128, just a few words, beeps and off, nothing more heard, sounds like a US para/military net. See USA: 7615 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 12057.4-USB, Oct 4 at 0114, INTRUDERS, 2-way in colloquial Spanish, blowing into mike, etc. (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENNG DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 15048.50-USB, Oct 4 at 0120, 2-way in colloquial Spanish, sound like INTRUDERS, altho possibly legit comms in off-route/military aero band (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 

This report dispatched at 2254 UT October 4