martedì 28 aprile 2015

NBC Papua New Guinea

April 28 2015

NBC Papua New Guinea

Latest update for NBC: $100m+ is needed to rebuild the national broadcaster says the Minister of Communications. In a related interview broadcast from Radio New Zealand International recently, the Institute of National Affairs makes the following points:
* shortwave continues to be the only way to reach all rural areas
* provincial and district administrations are expected to put more funds into local programs after years of no attention
* NBC is reconsiering if it should own and manage the infrastructure such as broadcast towers and transmitters
* sharing of facilities with mobile phone operators is being considered to reach more areas with FM signals
In the meantime, provincial shortwave stations continue to come back to life after months off air, or go silent without warning. Regular monitoring is needed to understand the situation day by day.
With thanks to ADXC/RNZI.

We continue to welcome monitoring reports of NBC Papua New Guinea shortwave and private shortwave stations in PNG to help us update the PNG country information in the World Radio TV Handbook [WRTH]. Details of FM outlets as relayed by provincial NBC stations is also needed. Please send information to and thank you in advance.

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