sabato 10 agosto 2013

URUGUAY 5980v Em. Chaná, Tacuarembó reactivated (vy low power, though)

I have recently informed in my last report on SW activity in Uruguay, that Emisora Chaná, was inactive, since some press info had informed in Nov 12, 2012 that the government had closed several FM community low power in Department of Tacuarembó, being FM Chaná among them.

This is to be corrected...

DXer Ernesto Paulero, in Buenos Aires has just has hrd them (Aug 9, 2013) according to reports in Condiglist YG, so I immediately called by telephone to the station owner, Mr. Omar Lima, CX6OL, who confirms that the station has been again on the air since 15 days ago, and is now running 24h, with 30 W, (nominal 50W), AM, with no xtal (thus the variability/instability of fq reported last year). Antenna is very low (4 meters above ground, but he plans to raise it to 15 m height.

He also tells this has been corrected in some way, and there's no so strong deviation in fq. This is confirmed today by further monitoring.

Asked about its permission and closure for the FM, he stated that he was never notified or visited by telcom authorities and he has been always normally operating on FM. (This is rather weird... or the telcom didn't work effectively or the press info was not 100% correct).The SW had been off air for about six months, but is now reactivated.

They currently operate 24H.

5980.2v       0.05nominal          Em. Chaná, Tacuarembó: 24h

Email is: <>. No printed or electronic QSL right now, but he has already answered via email to the reports made by Mr. Paulero and myself.

Horacio Nigro, Montevideo, Uruguay
(via dxld yg)