venerdì 6 luglio 2012

Test transmission from Radio Northern Star on Shortwave

Starting on Friday July 6th 0330 UTC/GMT (0530 Norwegian Time/CET) Radio Nord Revival in Sweden will be relaying the programmes of Radio Northern Star in a long test transmission on Shortwave 5895 kHz in the 49 meter band with a power of 10 kW. The test will last until Saturday morning July 7th. We welcome written reception reports to Radio Northern Star, Box 100, N5331 RONG, NORWAY. Email may also be used: For listeners outside Scandinavia we would also like recordings of the transmission, but please do not send large files as attachments to emails. If you want to send large files, send them on a CD to the address above. Be sure to include return postage if you'd like regular mail replies. Correct reports will be answered by QSL letter. Radio Northern Star is an independent commercial radio station broadcasting on the web and available broadcasting platforms. Our website may be found here: