domenica 10 giugno 2012

Glenn Hauser logs June 9-10, 2012

** CANADA. 6080 // 6020, June 9 at 0450 check, Sackville has CRI English relay on two correct frequencies, instead of 7305 as employed 24 hours earlier while nothing was on 6080 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also KOREA SOUTH [non]

** CHINA. Firedrake June 9, the only one I had time to find:
15435, fair at 1203, het on the hi side

** EGYPT. 15610, June 9 at 0504, Arabic, maybe Qur`an, then ME music, undermodulated. HFCC shows R. Cairo in Swahili at 0400-0600, 250 kW, 170 degrees from Abu Zabaal (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KOREA SOUTH [non]. 9650, June 9 at 1201 I tune across the KBS World Radio relay in English via Sackville --- except it`s in Spanish again! However, within the minute it switched to English as if nothing had happened; so presumably not in Spanish for the entire hour this time, altho did not check again later. But accompanied by those clicky annoying audio artifacts (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** LEBANON [non]. 11715, June 9 at 0456 ``hunting call`` tune and ``Huna Idha`at`` something ID; 0457 one note of Vatican IS before cut off the air. Presumably the scheduled relay of ``Radio Charity`` or ``Voice of Charity``, as WRTH 2012 names it in English, daily at 0430 in summer instead of 0530 in winter, via Vatican Radio, SMG. Fair signal (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** LITHUANIA. 11900, UT Saturday June 9 at 0202, EDXC Conference special via Sitkunai has just started; there was some confusion with conflicting reports about the correct date and the correct time. Unfortunately, the first quarter-hour was a loss. After a few minutes, the program stopped and instead we heard at 0204 the ``RFE/RL Praha, beep`` filler announcement several times, and then a few minutes of dead air. 0209 or so even the NHK IS and ID were played a few times, and more dead air. 0215.5, RFE/RL ID again briefly, and 0216.5 finally brings up program audio initially in German, but soon into English; 0218 discussing receivers. Kai Ludwig thinks the messup resulted from the control board operator bringing up the wrong audio feed, as Sitkunai does relay RFE/RL from Prague afterwards and at other times.

Signal strength was sufficient, but quite choppy and unpleasant to listen to. I had been rolling tape and continued to do so; recheck at 0258, it was already off. This English hour is scheduled to be repeated Sunday (not Saturday) at 1730 to Asia also on 11900, but doubtful to be audible in North American then. I may not listen to the tape unless the program produced by the Rhein-Main Radio Club is not availablized on the web.

Bryan Clark in NZ says they have a special QSL ready for reports to
mail @ (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. 6185, June 9 at 0450, XEPPM is again just barely modulated, shortly before sign-off, and presumably so, all day/evening. Can`t they tell that a certain something is missing? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TUNISIA. 17735, June 9 at 0506, pop music in Arabic, IWT sharing SSOB honors with 17770 RRI in French, but I knew it was about over, and cut off air at 0508* as usual (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1620 monitoring: did not show up at 0130 UT Saturday June 9 on WBCQ 5110v-CUSB, so I belatedly check the Area 51 schedule at
and discover that this week`s time is 0200, with something else inserted at 0130. Only music heard on webcast, and 5110, but WOR does start promptly at 0200. Will this be the regular time from now on?

Then UT Sunday June 10 at 0400 on WTWW 5755, confirmed. And on WRMI 9955: Sunday 0800, 1530, 1730, Monday 0500, 1130. On HLR Germany 5980: Tuesday 0930. On WRN via SiriusXM 120: Sunday 0830, 1730 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 9370, June 9 at 0455, no signal at all from WTJC; altho 9330 WBCQ is in quite well (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 11807 approx., extremely distorted FMy signal, June 9 at 0457, a horrible blob of unreadable modulation. I quickly tried to match it to nearby stations such as Brasil 11780, Habana 11760, but it did not. 0458 the intentional modulation stopped, and just the noise continued. 0459 mod resumed and I could tell it was the BaBcoCk music loop! and cut off at 0500*. During a brief overlap it was far enough away not to interfere with DW Rwanda starting English on 11800.

Looking thru HFCC, the likely closest culprit in terms of time and frequency is: ``11800 0400 0500 47E,48NW DHA 250 225 0 216 1234567 190412 281012 D 9000 Non-Specif UAE BAB BAB 19434``

But what is it really, specifically? Aoki answers: ``11800 Sudan Radio Service Darfur 0400-0500 12345.7 Arabic 500 225 Dhabbaya UAE 05415E 2410N EDC a12 BAB`` i.e. daily except Fridays (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)