lunedì 4 giugno 2012

Glenn Hauser logs June 2-3, 2012

** BRAZIL. 11780, June 3 at 0502, RNA is on here but not on 6180; good news anyway for 6185 MEXICO, q.v. (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CANADA. Sporadic E TV DX opening from north in English replaces Mexico [q.v.] earlier in this hour, June 3 UT:

0051 on 2, GLOBAL promo, VG video for a moment even tho antenna is S for Mexico, so rotate to north for the rest. 2 Global is surely regular CKND2 in Minnedosa, Manitoba rather than one of the east-Ontarians. Yes: 0053 some promo or ad mentioning Manitoba; 0054 news (?) item about expected worldend in Dec 2012; 0056 ``Prime News here in Winnipeg`` promo ``tonite at 10``. 0059 Carolyn James says thanks for watching; looks like a large graphic beside/behind her with numbers 16-9-2. shows ch 9 as the analog originator in Winnipeg, CKND, but CKND-DT is on channel 40, and no other relays. Maybe 16 is its cable channel? 0100 into a filmed drama. Is analog 9 still on the air, unlike CBWFT on 3 in Winnipeg?

CKND-TV-2 is surely Minnedosa`s greatest claim to fame, a town of 2426 north of Brandon in SW MB, chosen just as a workable drop-in site for a 100 kW relay which did not exist during my previous heyday of TVDXing.

0118 on 3, hockey in English, surely CBC as it`s Saturday night, tho never glimpsed a CBC exploding-pizza bug. Presumably one of the Sasks.

0130 on 4, some drama, also on 2 and 3 briefly.

0141 on 4, Rogers Internet ad; then Dallin furniture at Dufresne, now video only; Googling immediately found that very same commercial:
I assume it`s national, not local, but surely Canadian

Fitful skip is out by around 0215.

0255 on 2, brief fade-in drama featuring a dog show, nothing more

Next day, June 3 I start monitoring ch 2 north before 1500, but nothing shows until 1552 with a bit of talk in English. The 6m Es maps had been showing lots of activity centered around Missouri/Iowa.

1615 on 2, sudden fade-in with ad for Association of Manitoba Land Surveyors, i.e. CKND-TV-2 again, then panel discussion of the monarchy amid EIIR`s jubilee festivities in London, UK (Glenn Hauser, Enid OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. Firedrake June 3:
16980, poor at 0527 mixing with ute?
Propagation degraded now and even more so around 1300, when none logged, except see TAIWAN (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CONGO. Re my last report seeking 6115 at same time: Jorge Freitas in Bahia reports: ``6115 02/Jun 0600 No signal R Congo`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** JAPAN [non]. 6110, June 3 at 0500, NHK World Radio Japan English relay via Sackville, Canada is still missing without explanation for the fourth night. I wonder if they are starting to dismantle transmitters. The 5975 relay southeastward from Woofferton UK is not audible either, but presumably on and just not propagating like it does in winter. France relay on 11970 still makes it (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KOREA NORTH. Re my unID carriers recently on 6071 hetting CFRX, Ron Howard in California confirms: ``Hi Glenn, You are correct. June 2 heard VOK clearly in Japanese, 1222-1225, with fair reception on 6071.0. By this later time I had no signal from CFRX, so I had no het to deal with. Also heard May 10 drifting around 6071.2v at 1214 with a fair signal, so not too uncommon. Ron`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. 6185, June 3 at 0456, I manage to turn on and tune in XEPPM before sign-off and before CRI 6190, to find the modulation has become sufficient with ``typical Mexican music``. Sackville cut on 10 sex before 0500, causing severe ACI, but XEPPM kept going a bit longer at 0501 with poetry recitation. If there was a formal sign-off I missed it, but by 0506 there merely remained an open carrier.

Julián Santiago Díez de Bonilla in the DF coincidentally writes June 3 that XEPPM modulation has been much improved for the past week: ``Hola Glenn: desde hace una semana escucho con mucho mejor modulación a XEPPM en los 6185 kHz. Saludos, Julián``. We must treasure R. Educación as México`s last remaining SW station, and a fine one too (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. Following the sporadic E analog TVDX opening from Tijuana and Mexicali earlier on June 2 until 2017 UT or so, the MUF revives at 2300:

2300 on 2, fade-in cycling coverage, CCI

2300 on 3, Televisa Deportes, peaks SW, and bug in UR has Grupo Pacífico logo of italic 3 in an oval, i.e. XHQ-TV, Culiacán, Sinaloa as illustrated here, also with stylized seagull:

2300 on 4, signs of video

UT June 3:

0003 on 4, seVale program bug in LR (with the V like a check mark), game show involving someone in a wheelbarrow, whee! = carretilla, says my dixionary as I seldom need to say that word in Spanish

At 0051 English on 2 from Global, so switch to CANADA, q.v. (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TAIWAN. 14600, June 3 at 1300 in a fitful Firedrake scan, instead heard Chinese talk, very poor with flutter here during degraded propagation, perhaps really Sound of Hope rather than substitute CNR1 jamming --- its known frequencies were too weak to compare. WWV reported K index at 1200 was merely 2, and no space weather storms (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1619 monitoring: UT Sunday June 3 at 0400 on WTWW 5755: starts playing WOR opening but forgot to insert ID first, so interrupted for that, then resumed before I started listing the countries to be covered. Normally on WTWW, SFAW is interrupted for hourtop ID, then a few sex more of that before starting WOR.

Remaining repeats on WRMI 9955: Sunday 1730, Monday 0500, 1130; on HLR Germany 5980: Tuesday 0930. On WRN via SiriusXM 120: Sunday 1730 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 9322-9434, June 3 at 0509, WTJC is out of whack again, very overmodulated and distorted on fundamental 9370 and squeezing out extremely distorted spurs at multiples of approx. 16 kHz above and below, circa: 9322, 9338, 9354, 9386, 9402, 9418, 9434. Hard to pin down these blobs but the 9386 one seemed centered about 9386.4.

By sheer luck, WBCQ falls right between them on 9330, as does BBC on 9410! Both still unimpeded, but woe betide any other stations in the area. Next morning around 1300, poor propagation made 9370 so weak that the spurs were not audible, but if they were, 9386 would be bad for Brother Scare on WWRB 9385 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 15615, June 3 at 1310, WEWN with ``percolating`` noise entertaining us during a long pregnant pause in TV mass before priest says something in English, causing the percolating to change its rate but never stop completely (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST

UNIDENTIFIED. 11494-SSB, June 3 at 0517-0525, occasional brief voice transmissions, sounding US military, with occasional somewhat longer ``running water`` digital mode bursts. Lots of logs in UDXF of 11494 as a US Coast Guard frequency (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)