sabato 11 aprile 2009

Shortwave Radio Logs from WDX6AA

AUSTRALIA Radio Australia-Shepparton 17795 2348 English 444 April 4
YL with Inovations program. YL interviewing an OM. //17750[333]Shepparton. MacKenzie-CA.

AUSTRALIA Radio Australia-Shepparton 15560 2202 English 444 April 5 YL with comments on North Korea a rocket across Japan on the ABC News program. MacKenzie-CA.

ARGENTINA Radio Argentina Exterior-RAE 15345 2210 Spanish 433 April 5 YL and OM in interviews. MacKenzie-CA.

BONAIRE Radio Netherlands Relay-RN 15540 2204 Dutch 444 Apr 5 OM with comments on Pres Obama and the NoKorea rocket launching. //17605 [444]Bonaire. MacKenzie-CA.

BONAIRE Radio Japan Relay-NHK 15265 2212 Japanese 433 Apr 5 OM with comments. MacKenzie-CA.

COSTA RICA Radio Exterior Espana-REE 17850 1817 Spanish 433 Apr 5 YL with comments plus an OM with the Long Call yell at a sports event. MacKenzie-CA.

JAPAN Radio Japan-NHK 17810 2345 Bengali 333 Apr 4 A YL with comments. MacKenzie-CA.

UNITED STATES, Colorado WWV 20.000 1813 English 111 Apr 5 This was a dead freq this date. Also could not hear Hawaii. MacKenzie-CA.

Stewart MacKenzie, WDX6AA
Huntington Beach, California, USA
"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Come Alive"