mercoledì 8 aprile 2009

Glenn Hauser logs April 7-8, 2009

** ARGENTINA [and non]. Christian Milling tipped me that RAE was supposed to be back on the air April 7, so I was standing by on 15345 at 2157: Morocco inbooming with music and Arabic announcement, could detect no het or anything else, but during few sex of open carrier before 2200* could indeed hear a few notes of the RAE IS! And then a very weak and fluttery signal in the clear; seems to be very close to 15345.0, so no wonder it was not hetting Morocco for a change. Music for a few minutes, then talk, but too weak to copy. Should be starting Spanish after the German hour. RAE also detectable on 11711, April 8 at 0203 with very poor signal, leisurely English introduxion by M&W, bits of music per usual format (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDIA. AIR National Channel from Bengaluru, 9425, Wednesday April 8 at 1454 with lecture in English, interspersed with music, but too weak and fluttery to outmake much. 1457 YL gave produxion credit in outroduxion; 1459 still talk in English and I imagined I heard something like ``National Commission for Women`` mentioned. 1500 music, pause, ID in English and into Hindi.

I wonder if the Times of India or any other major newspaper in English carries specific *program* schedules from AIR, since none seem to be available from AIR itself. 9425 seems to have regular English talks beyond news on our half-hours (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA [non]. RRI`s clear access to 9680 after 1300 was short-lived. On April 8 at 1338 the Chinese were back radiowarring with each other and blocking RRI, mainly evidenced by a SAH of 4.4 Hz.

VOI English on 9525, April 8 at 1340 with language lesson, fair and in the clear; blocked as usual during 1400 hour by CRI in Russian; 1503 recheck, 9525 in clear again re-opening English with news headlines, as always frustratingly offcut in abrupt late (early?) closedown of transmitter at 1505*. During the final minute I was hearing some chirp/pulses of one per second, traces of which were still there after VOI was off; stray CODAR, or my TV set? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KOREA NORTH [and non]. 9665 KCBS, again April 8 at 1338, piano and soprano no doubt in paean to Kim like all NK programming, and with that intriguing lo het revealing something else on frequency, which I hope those in Eurasia will outcheck, maybe Mongolia or Iran.

9335, VOK English at 1300 to NAm no contest against huge WEWN 9340, April 8 around 1340 check, but VOK in the clear for repeat at 1500, anthem, and 1502 re-opening English; by now the VOK signal is too weak anyway on a poor day for propagation (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PORTUGAL [and non]. 15770, April 8 at 1349 was only hearing RDPI, tho WYFR in Spanish is scheduled until 1400, then its own Portuguese. Propagation was poor, but a bit better from Europe than Florida at this hour. At 1400, RDPI timesignal and time check as usual mentioning an hour earlier in Madeira. 1454 recheck, WYFR Portuguese was totally dominant, with RDPI barely audible underneath. Also of curious interest, when I intuned at 1349 there was an open carrier on the side at 15768. It lasted almost until 1400, and then came back on (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ROMANIA [and non]. Previously I was wondering if RRI is still on 9580 for English to NAm at 0000-0100, as I could not hear it mixing almost equally with Serbia, but April 8 at 0048 check, RRI was definitely still audible underneath IRS and // 6135. We are awaiting Serbia`s shift to 9675 which is supposed to happen by April 15 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###